Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe #PLME16 | Page 23

EUROSUD and the project #PLME16 has been an opportunity to grow on both a personal and professional level. This is an international, multicultural environment where we are able to innovate and find different ways to perform our roles and activities in order to succeed. The experience of collaborating within this unique team has been exciting, not only because of the high-quality activities we are involved in but also due to the learning and development process where staff contributions are important for building stronger relations with other colleagues and with the customers we represent around the world. I am very thankful for this opportunity. EUROSUD team with the trainers and participants from the project #PLME16 has been my second family since the first day of activity. I love working with a diverse and multicultural group of people that are generous in sharing their skills and knowledge of the topic. #PLME16 gave me opportunity to deepen my knowledge about the benefits and disadvantages to work abroad. It has been a great pleasure being a part of the group. 23 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union