Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe #PLME16 | Page 21

In the end , we taught youth workers and young leaders from participating organisations about EU mechanisms promoting youth mobility ( including youth labour mobility ), European awareness and active participation of young people .
We prepared participants for communication with young people in local communities about possibilities for their employment in other member states and regions of European Union , available support they can get in dealing with most common obstacles .
They debated similarities and differences , strengths and weaknesses about youth opinion on labour mobility and European citizenship within participating countries .
They created a “ Tool box ” for promotion of European youth labour mobility among young people within local communities with different profiles , especially those with fewer opportunities ( e . g . rural youth , youth from troubled communities in big cities in Europe , young people without knowledge of foreign language , minority youth , etc .)
We taught them to use non-formal education as a form of addressing issues of unemployment of young people and youth labour mobility through this project and other follow up activities of partner organisations .
Finally , our organisations promoted European youth labour mobility , active participation , European citizenship among youth , but also created this report that may be used by other youth organisations all over Europe . Partner organisations also had opportunity to strengthen their partnership and got new possibilities for cooperation in this field through foreseen follow up activities including those initiated by participants during the Training Course .
Co-funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union