Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe #PLME16 | Page 2

PROJECT MAIN DESCRIPTION EU youth strategy 2010-18 foreseen creation of more and equal opportunities in education and the labour market, as well as the promotion of active citizenship, social inclusion and solidarity. European Union and European integration offer many mechanism and opportunities to unemployed young people on different levels and fields all over Europe. At the same time, our organisations identified many obstacles young people face once they start thinking about moving to another member state or region in order to find a job. It is hard to say what is more complicated for young European, to start his own enterprise or move to another place and find employment. Unemployment in Europe Union EU Commissioner László Andor, responsible for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion in one of his interviews pointed out that more than 23% of young people in Europe are unemployed, including some member states were youth unemployment is over 55%. 2 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union