Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe #PLME16 | Page 19

DAY 7 AM Erasmus plus presentation, work on project ideas Erasmus plus was presented to participants in general, and than trough simulation of TV show with guests that spoke about Training Courses, Youth Exchanges and EVS, rules for application, tips and useful comments, together with questions from audience (participants). After presentation, participants were asked to stick topic on which that would like to make project within Erasmus plus. Participants were gathered in groups according the topic and provided with structure of project proposal. PM Presentation of project ideas, Evaluation evening, See you soon party Presentation of project proposals in plenary room after participants with trainers gave feedbacks. Participants were advised how to apply with project proposals and provided with all sources (Eacea and NA websites, Salto Youth,etc). Final evaluation by participants was done using different forms. Firstly participants reflected on their expectations, fears and contributions from beginning of Training. Participants presented what they are bringing back to their home from this project. 19 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union