Promoting Flourishing in Schools | Page 12

Would you like to support flourishing at your school ?

Dr Christina Hinton ’ s research team from Research Schools International ( RSI ) and Harvard offers research and professional development to schools around the world to support character skills and flourishing .
If you would like to learn more about our work , please visit : www . researchschoolsinternational . org / get-involved .
If you would like to explore the possibility of collaboration , please fill in our expression of interest form :
https :// tinyurl . com / RSIfindoutmore
www . researchschoolsinternational . org www . hfh . fas . harvard . edu www . sevenoaksschool . org
Contributions from Christina Hinton , Mark Beverley and Hannah Barritt . Photography by David Merewether , Jonathan Cole , Adam Scott , Jutta Klee , and Sevenoaks School students and staff .