PROJECT SEPTEMBER Project September Issue 1 | Page 3

“Small Note I hope you will enjoy this zine of mine, a small project that took me more than four months to finish, finally the time is here for me to publish, yes it’s only available online and there is no hard copy you can get hold on to. There is nothing much you can ex- pect from this zine, there are no fancy cre- ative photos here. Basically, this zine con- tains photos that I did from know nothing about the camera to something about com- position, post editing process and others. Special thanks to people who allowed me to take their photos and use them. My deep- est appreciation to all my friends, without whom I can’t even dream of doing photography and you as a reader, your comments will mean so much to me in order for me to grow much fur- ther. And in the end all I say is; Thank you and enjoy. Sincerely, Jhe W.