Project Report Nicaragua, April 2017 | Page 2

Poverty in Nicaragua

La golondrina quick facts

Nicaragua is the second poorest nation in the western hemisphere behind Haiti. Poverty in this country is largely a rural problem. Nearly half of Nicaragua's population lives in rural areas and of these rural dwellers two out of three struggle to live on little more than $1 per day.

Region: West Central

Trades: Farming

Crops Grown: Bananas, Plantains, Beans, Corn, Coffee

Primary Religions: Christian/Catholic

Students Currently Enrolled in Class: 72

Previous School Structure: A community member has been allowing classes to be held in her home temporarily.

Most of Nicaragua's rural poor people live in the vast, dry central region where natural resources are limited, land has been over exploited and there is a high population density.

April 23-29, 2017 - Volunteers travel to Nicaragua to break ground on a primary school in the rural village of La Golodrina.