>> echo “Hello World”
Project MANAS was founded in the year
2014, named after the Sanskrit word
“MANAS”, meaning “Higher Intelligence”, as
the official undergraduate AI Robotics Team
of MIT, Manipal. Project MANAS is currently
a team of 45 undergraduates taking part in
Mahindra’s 1 Million dollar “Spark The Rise
Driverless Car Challenge”. Using the initial
prototype, Project MANAS qualified the
initial 3 stages and is among the top 13 out
of the 259 teams across the nation.
Vision: Advancement of humanity
through the adoption of machines of
higher intelligence, for a safer and
more productive future.
It was inspiring to start with a
blank sheet of paper and ask,
What should be different about
this kind of vehicle? We started
with the most important thing
Mission: Excellence in the field of AI
Robotics and the establishment of a
state-of-the-art research centre in
The research & development of fully
autonomous vehicles specifically
adapted to Indian market and traffic