Progressive Progressive Medical Center - 2019 | Page 4

LETTER FROM DR. AGOLLI CONTENTS FEATURED 06 THE STEMCELL REVOLUTION 14 THE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION 18 ACID-REFLUX: PRILOSEC AND NEXIUM MIGHT BE THE WRONG SOLUTION 24 WHY IS MY HAIR FALLING OUT? 28 DEPRESSION IS NOT YOUR FAULT 38 WHY WE ALL NEED TO “DETOX” 44 BOOSTING STRENGTH WHILE UNDERGOING CHEMO QUIZ/RECIPES 20 QUIZ: WHAT'S YOUR FATIGUE TYPE? A FORWARD FROM DR. GEZIM AGOLLI, MD, DRPH, ND Thank you for taking the time to evaluate how to improve your health with all the tools Progressive Medical has to offer. There is no one-size-fits-all health solution. You are unique. Your healthcare plan should be too. I believe integrative medicine will be the standard of care for the future. Our team of doctors is passionate about this type of medicine, taking the best of traditional and natural medicines to treat the root cause of disease. What an exciting time to be involved in field of medicine, and Progressive Medical Center plans to be at the forefront. Keep reading to learn more about how we can help you or someone you love. Take a few minutes today to review our website at to get to know our doctors. The Progressive Medical team looks forward to serving you! 41 RECIPES: DETOX SMOOTHIES HEALTH ARTICLES 14 THE GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION 16 MALABSORPTION, THE THIEF OF NUTRITION 20 FATIGUE 23 ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION 26 BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT 30 MEMORY LOSS 31 EMOTIONAL HEALTH 34 ALLERGIES 42 ANTI-AGING THERAPIES 09 PROLOZONE WONDER 10 CHIROPRACTIC & ADVANCED PHYSICAL MEDICINE 32 IV THERAPY 37 ACUPUNCTURE 43 LIGHT THERAPY ARTICLES 12 NUTRA VS. PHARMA 47 AFFORDABLE FINANCING FOR MEDICAL CARE 4