Progressive Progressive Medical Center - 2019 | Page 38

WHY WE ALL NEED TO "DETOX" WHY WE ALL NEED TO “DETOX” BY: LINDSAY MOREAU, ND, PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL CENTER “D etox” does not mean what you probably think it does. In the context of health, it has nothing to do with overcoming drug or alcohol abuse. Rather, detox refers to processing and clearing waste products, or toxins, from our body. These waste products can be exogenous, which means they come from outside our body, or endogenous, those made within our own body. Exogenous waste products are substances such as heavy metals like lead, mercury, aluminum, and also organic waste products like pesticides, herbicides, and even chemicals from car exhaust, nail salons, and dry cleaners. Heating up food or drinks in plastic is another common source of exogenous toxins. These substances enter our body through the food we eat, the air we breathe, and even through our skin. While there are certain measures one can take to decrease exposure to these exogenous toxins, it is really impossible to avoid them altogether. Endogenous waste products are mostly the normal by-products of all the processes our cells perform to keep us alive and functioning. This is referred to as “cellular metabolism.” Cellular metabolism is analogous to digestion. We eat food, our body breaks it down and takes out the nutrients, and we excrete the waste as fecal matter. Our cells do the 38