Progressive Progressive Medical Center - 2019 | Page 27

WOMEN BIOIDENTICAL HORMONE THERAPY DISCOVER YOUR NATURAL SOLUTION FOR . . . HIPS, HOT FLASHES, AND HARDLY ANY DRIVE Y our favorite pair of jeans not working for you anymore? Your hot flashes are becoming more frequent and lasting longer . . . not to mention . . . you never feel “in the mood” at all!? Hormone help is on the way! Throughout life, hormones change. But when those changes produce these and other unwanted symptoms, the physicians at Progressive Medical Center are here to help! There are many tools in the belt of integrative medicine to balance your hormone levels and get you feeling and functioning like yourself again! Experience the powerful results of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). Unlike synthetic hormone replacement therapy, bioidentical hormones are compounded and tailor-made just for you and your specific need. The application of this therapy can come in the form of creams, orals, gels, pills, patches, sprays, and even . . . pellets. In fact, many of our patients have found the pellets to be extremely effective. These hormone implants—placed under the skin— consistently release small, physiologic doses of hormones, providing optimal therapy. Pellets are the only method of hormone therapy that provides sustained hormone levels throughout the day, for up to four to six months, without any “roller coaster” effect. The source of the hormone matters! Bioidentical hormones specifically refer to hormones synthesized from plants. The body responds to the natural, plant-based compounds that resemble the hormones produced by your own body much more efficiently without side effects. You are unique. Your hormone therapy should be too. We begin with laboratory tests of your hormone levels—what we call a hormone panel. When warranted, we prescribe a precise dosage of bioidentical estrogen, testosterone, or DHEA that is created in a compounding pharmacy to meet the needs of the individual patient. Each patient is monitored carefully through regular follow-up hormone panels to ensure they achieve symptom relief at the lowest possible dosage. In the initial stages, we will test a hormone panel every three months. Once balance is restored, we will do one panel a year at the time of your annual exam. Take the next step to feel so much better! Call Today 770.676.6000 to schedule your bioidentical hormone therapy consultation. 27