Progressive Era Magazine 1 | Page 28

Ida B. Tarbell

Ida Tarbell was born in 1857, and graduated Allegheny College in 1880. After college Tarbell became a well known and respected journalist. Tarbell believed in publishing accurate and fair information, although, doing so sometimes decreased her popularity. Since she also didn't exagerrate any information, she was considered a reliable source. Her most famous work, The History of the Standard Oil Company, she exposed John D. Rockefeller of using illegal means to monopolize his oil industry, which helped her to gain the title as America's first great woman journalist.

Lowrie, Arthur L. "Ida Tarbell." Brief Biography and Bibliography « Ida Tarbell | Allegheny College - Meadville, PA. Allegheny College, 1997. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.