Program Success Spring 2018 | Page 4

Vol . 25 No . 4 - 2018

In This Issue

Vol . 25 No . 4 - 2018

1 . & 16 . Christina Stallings Technology at its Best

3 . Charles E . Simmons , III M . D . Our Heritage Before Salvery

5 . Jacqueline D . Moore Family & Christian Counselor

7 . Pamela E . Payne A Proven Partner for Success

8 . Buenita Carter Lee What A Realtor Can Do For You

9 . Hair ’ s 2 Beauty Linda Gillespie

11 . TRUST , Leslie K . Graves

13 . Dr . Tricia Travis Celebrity Educator

15 . The Holistic Approach John Carter

23 . Program Success at the University

27 . Walking While Black Ben Frazier

29 . Justice 4 Curtis Patricia Ward

31 . Publisher ’ s Editorial Darryl A . Barrs www . ProgramSuccess . net ( 386 ) 334-0040