Program Success September 2008 | Page 31

By Amicitia I. Maloon-Gibson, MHR, MA, CSP “If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously.” Romans 12:8 (NLT) T he union of Claude and Juanita Maloon qualifies me as a product of the Baby Boomer’s era. An era of “Change and Yes, I can or no I won’t - the evolution of women in new roles. Women were evolving in non-traditional roles and stepping out of the home in to the workforce. The radio stations played songs with messages like “You’ve come a long way baby to get where you got to today.” Women sent messages through songs, like “Respect” and “I will survive” by the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin. Women were seen on billboards – for cigarettes ads…I remember the Virginia Slims commercials. Women in the movies of “leading roles” got the traditional parts like June Cleaver in “Leave it to Beaver.” the stay at home submissive mom; and I Love Lucy, the American Red Haired actress loved by her viewers who was the opposite of June Cleaver – she never listened to her husband. Two other sitcoms I remembered were “Good Times” with another stay at home mom who kept the family together during hard times and the Cosby Show. What I remember about leadership and the Cosby Show was Claire Huxtable. She was a working professional, maintained the home, raised five children and enjoyed life. My perception of these events in my life contributed to a part of my socialization process – good or bad blended together they had some impact on my life. What is leadership? Leadership is an interactive conversation that draws people toward a comfort zone with the language of commitment and responsibility from a personal level. Throughout my career as a professional soldier and leader, I have read may books on leadership that gave me many perspectives of leadership from various scholars that have studied the topic. Books by great men and women such as John Maxwell, Stephen Covey, General Colin Powell, General Julius W. Becton, Jr.; Miriam Langston Heard, and Bishop Theodore Dexter Jakes, James McGregor Burns and many others. During my twenty-five plus years as a leader I adapted to the many definitions of leadership based on the situation at that specific time. I embraced the definition: “ Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible”…a leadership primer of eighteen lessons from