Program Success October 2019 | Page 19

Growing up I have always loved the technology industry . The one I resonate well with is the automotive industry . I mean where do I begin ? The car ' s exterior and interior design that could get complex depend . in n tha design intent , the technology installed and the over ff P.dfi , nee of the car . I knew that without a �bt I wanted nd in the automotive industr )' designing vehicle , that prise of safety , comfortability and environmentally friend y . my work experience has entailed everything from Dining & Hospitality , to Valet Associate , to Customer Service Representative . I am now working with the Building Technology & Solutions sector of Johnson Controls .

What Is Your Definition of SUCCESS ?

" Success is the person who has lived well , laughed often and loved much , who gained the respect of children , who leaves the world better than they found it , who has never lacked appreciation for the earth ' s beauty , who never fails to look for the best in others or give the best of themselves ." The former is a well narrated definition of success that relates to key areas of life . My definition is ; Success means attaining a better position or stance than the day before . What is yours ?
Because the definition of success is quite relative , an individual ' s view of success may not necessarily be approved as success to another . However , I believe that no one can define success to you better than yourself. Know yourself . What drives you ? What are your aspirations ? What wakes you up every day to get out of bed ? We all have to have these answers on the tip of our tongues to help give a clear direction and focus in our lives .
A little background story , I was born and lived in Ghana , Africa for some time of my life . I lived there and moved here to the United States of America at the age of 15 . Granted I had a good financial status with my family , but it is close to impossible to evaluate the level of opportunities that America has to offer , which is second to none . I started my education here in the States at Terry Parker High School and I was fortunate to have teachers that were passionate about their lectures and their students . They helped me to identify my answer to , what drives me , what I am passionate about . I came to the realization that my life to me would not be fully lived ifl don ' t pursue what I truly desire .
Growing up I have always loved the technology industry . The one I resonate well with is the automotive industry . I mean where do I begin ? The car ' s exterior and interior design that could get complex depend . in n tha design intent , the technology installed and the over ff P.dfi , nee of the car . I knew that without a �bt I wanted nd in the automotive industr )' designing vehicle , that prise of safety , comfortability and environmentally friend y . my work experience has entailed everything from Dining & Hospitality , to Valet Associate , to Customer Service Representative . I am now working with the Building Technology & Solutions sector of Johnson Controls .
To some people my life path may have seemed fuzzy at the time , in that I didn ' t have a clear focus of my future . However I always was sure of who I was and what I wanted to do , so regardless of what my current situation was I knew it was only a step closer to attaining my dreams . All my life events has led me to come to the conclusion , that in life we don ' t always get the cards we want , however we must learn to play the cards we are dealt .
Today , within my career field I can continue to pursue my goals , because this company offers several business sectors that interest me . By continuing to improve my work ethics daily and learning from mentors as well as mentoring others I know that there ' s a lot more to achieve . I am forever grateful to God , my family and all my friends that have supported me all throughout this journey and their continuous support . I leave you with this , know ledge empowers and information is everywhere so what is that excuse you have again ?
Conrad Bonsi Jacksonville , Florida
Conrad Bonsi Definition of Success Jacksonville , Florida November 2019
My current drawn up pa h to this has had me involved in gaining my high school diploma , then earning my Associates of Arts degree at Florida State College at Jacksonville , which I used to transfer to the University of Central Florida , where I worked to earn my Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree . During this period of time