Program Success October 2018 | Page 18

Violence in the Church and Work-Place

Some people think because they are grown , experience , professional and accomplished there is little they can learn and nothing they don ' t know . This is the classic definition of an Old Fool . What you don ' t know can hurt you especially if it is the acute symptoms of a mental disorder . How you feel affects how you think , which influences what you do . It is very hard for individuals to control their feelings and this includes adults .

When we see violence at Churches and Work-places , it is due to strong feelings of discomfort which are ill-directed towards the ones they love and see the most , even if these people are innocent and void of any circumstance causing the individual ' s action . When dealing with mental disorders in adults it is imperative that a person in authority , like a Pastor or Boss , demand that the individual seek professional help . This is fiduciary responsibility in order to protect those entrusted in your care at church and work .
As part of my professional practice , I partnership with churches to provide Mental Health Counseling to individuals referred by the pastor . This allows the church to supply to their members a much needed service as part of their ministry . One person can ' t be all things to another person , and definitely not to a large congregation . I commend pastors who see the need and are proactively addressing mental health issues .
Mental health problems have nothing to do with being lazy or weak and many people need help to get better . Many factors contribute to mental health problems , including :
Front Cover Feature Patricia Yvette Hunter Mental Health Counselor Jacksonville , Florida October 2018
• Biological factors , such as genes , physical illness , injury , or brain chemistry
• Life experiences , such as trauma or a history of abuse
• Family history of mental health problems People with mental health problems can get better and many recover completely .
One in five American adults experienced a mental health issue One in IO young people experienced a period of major depression One in 25 Americans lived with a serious mental illness , such as schizophrenia , Bipolar disorder , or major depression