Program Success November 2014 | Page 31

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Overcoming A Tough Economy

These brisk economic times are causing us all to rethink what we do and how we do things . Signs of adjustment are seen on every front . The real estate market is down to an all-time low , gas prices are high , war lingers in the air around the world , and the leadership of our country is dysfunctional . Everyone everywhere has been touched someway by these trying times . We feel the ill affects … unemployment , foreclosures , high crime rates , increase sickness and even death . How did we get here ? Where was the warning ? When and how do we escape ?
I ’ m reminded of the Pharaoh who had a troubling dream that no one could interpret but Joseph as he explained that Egypt would have seven years of harvest followed by seven years of famine . The dream was a warning to Pharaoh that gave him time to prepare for the dramatic economic down-turn that was about to come . We today have had many years of harvest , a time when everything was plentiful and our work produced fruit with very little effort . Now things have been getting lean and by all indicators , will continue and become progressively worst over the next years .
Harvest should not just be a time of indulgence . A time we spend and consume , fulfilling our hearts every desire . It is much easier to save when there is abundance . It is less difficult to study and learn when there is no pressure . Building relationships comes without thinking when times are good . However , when famine strikes the land , unpreparedness and derelict of duty leaves many stating - Could ’ ve , Would ’ ve , Should ’ ve !
I could ’ ve saved money . I would ’ ve gone to school and earned that degree . I should ’ ve worked a little harder in establishing closer relationships with other businesses . Now times are hard and money is tight for me and everyone else . Where do I go ? To whom do I turn ?
God is not a respecter of persons . He blesses us all the same in that He has given us all 24 hours in a day . It is what we do with that time that differentiates us as individuals . Successful individuals can track the number of hours they spend towards bettering themselves each day .
Publisher ' s Editorial Overcoming A Tough economy Darryl A . Barrs Jacksonville , Florida November 2014D
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Pharaoh had the dream , and in Genesis 41:25 , Joseph explains to Pharaoh that God is showing him what He is about to do . This tells us that regardless of what our state maybe as a People today … God is still very much in control . Many are adversely affected today not because the devil has attacked them , but simply because they are out of touch with God and unaware of what God is doing , and therefore frivolously spend their time .
Joseph supplied Pharaoh with knowledge which allowed Pharaoh to create a “ famine plan ” which prevented starvation and kept Egypt from turning from might to ruin . What you don ’ t know can hurt you . My friends , to overcome these tough economic times , we all need to know what ’ s ahead , and have a detailed survival plan . As leaders , it is our responsibility not an option .
The Bible is still our road map and guide to successful living . It gives us an account of how God dealt with those of yesterday as an indication of what is expected of us today . Though we may change and are constantly finding ways to innovate and upgrade with our advance technology , God is still the same , yesterday , today and forever . Make sure you are not reshaping God to fit your plans and desires , but instead seeking His will and plan for your life . Only then can we expect to triumph in this economic season .

Program Success www . ProgramSuccess . net

Failure is Not an Option