Program Success November 2014 | 页面 22

Monthly Free Community Wellness Worshops By Dr . Rosemarie Allen , AP , PTA , MT 904-327-0457 or 904-488-5075 thebodynbalance @ bellsouth . net

The Body N Balance

ACUPUNCTURE : Is it the Cure to your Dis-Ease A Magnificent , Natural and Effective Medical Procedure

Dr . Rosemarie Allen The Body N Balance Acupuncture Jacksonville , Florida November 2014D
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By Dr . Rosemarie Allen , AP , PTA , MT thebodynbalance @ bellsouth . net
Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical modality in the world , and dates back to China as far back as 5,000 years ago . Acupuncture represents only one facet of the Chinese Medical system . The first recorded Acupuncture treatment of disease dates back to 15000 BC during the Shang Dynasty .
Acupuncture has been one of the oldest medical procedures and has been used in China as the main medical treatment modality in the olden days with great success . In order to get the basic idea of how this magnificent medical treatment works one must understand the physiology of Acupuncture . Acupuncture is done utilizing 3 main factors and eight Principles :
First are , the acupuncture points : These are best described as tiny gateways in the system where the electrical energy in the body may be accessed . All living thing has energy including the body . There are hundreds of points located throughout the body . Acupuncture points have a direct or indirect relationship to the organ system and some points are organ specific .
Secondly , there are the Meridians . The Meridians can be compared to tiny rivers and streams in the system . There are 20 Meridian streams and which all intersect with each other at various points . Meridians are also related to the organs system in the body . Acupuncture points are usually located within the meridians pathways .
Third is the Qi , pronounced ( chee ) and is considered the life force . The Qi is the body ’ s bio-electrical energy that flows with the blood . The Qi moves the blood though our veins and arteries . This energy cannot be seen but can be felt by a gentle electrical sensation when stimulated . Almost everyone at some point in their lives has experienced an external energy ( electrical ) shock sensation be it from touching an electrically charged vehicle or touching against someone that is highly electrically charged . Energy is evident in our environment such as the wind blowing the trees . You can feel the wind but you can ’ t see it .
Acupuncture is delivered using tiny needles . These come in many sizes , some as thin as a strand of hair . Acupuncture needles are made of stainless steel , are one time use , and are disposable . The amount of needles used in treatments varies for each treatment , and the preference of the physician . Treatment time also varies among physicians and could be as minimal as 30 minute or as much as 1 hour .
The Eight Principles are traditionally the basic categories used to of any disease :
Yin / Yang ( Balance in nature such as female / male ) Excess / Deficiency ( Full / Empty ), Interior / Exterior ( Inside / Outside ) Hot / Cold ( Heat / Cold )
Now , in order to treat a patient with a problem they must be evaluated to find out is the main cause of the problem . An Evaluation takes approximately an hour and consists of the patient ’ s personal information such as the symptoms , bodily functions , diet , sleep , emotions and other pertinent information including the Pulse and Tongue are also evaluated . The Tongue and Pulse are extremely important diagnostic tools . The tongue and the pulse have organ representations and both are windows to the internal system . For example , the tongue size , color , coat , moist or dryness , cracks , teeth marks etc . are all indicators of the body ’ s disharmony . The findings are then indicative of the diagnosis and a treatment plan is set . The whole goal of the treatment is to bring the body back in balance and harmony .
Acupuncture is very effective in the treatment of a variety of conditions including : Arthritis , Asthma , anxiety , Bronchitis , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome , Common Colds , Colitis , Depression , Dizziness , Emotional problems , Fatigue , Fibromyalgia , Headaches , Digestive disorders , High Blood Pressure , Pain , stroke , Menstrual Irregularities , Menopause , Osteoarthritis , Sciatica , stress , Shoulder Pain , Insomnia and many more …

Monthly Free Community Wellness Worshops By Dr . Rosemarie Allen , AP , PTA , MT 904-327-0457 or 904-488-5075 thebodynbalance @ bellsouth . net