Program Success Mother's Day 2015 | Page 31

Darryl A . Barrs , Sr .
Today those numbers have grown and become adversely disproportional . Now you have to talk to 100 people to get 5 sales .

Darryl A . Barrs , Sr .

Publisher / Managing Editor

Spring is in the air and that means the winter cold winds are shutting down and we envision sunny beaches , green lawns and beautiful flower beds . The ecological and biological indicators are visible in the blossoming of plants , the hatching of young fowls , and the unique smell of the soil that has reached the perfect temperature for micro flora to flourish . Everything falls in place and in order just like a clock - nature has turned the hands of time to Spring , a season of rebirth , rejuvenation , renewal , and regrowth .

Spring affords us all the opportunity to do better and be better personally and professionally . Finding areas in need of improvement is easy , actually making the improvement is a task that escapes us and we find ourselves facing another Winter no better than we were the same time last year . Let ’ s make this Spring revitalizing by truly making our desired improvements , realizing - It ’ s About Time .
Time is our greatest gift from God . It is what makes us all truly equal . It is what makes us all the same . God gave us all 24 hours in a day . He did not give some 18 hours , others 10 , or special people 36 hours in a day . We all receive 24 hours each and every day . What we do with our time , our precious gift from God , is what differentiates us one from another .
It truly is harder to do business today but not impossible . With modern technology it is easier to reach 100 people than it was years ago . If you make the 100 contacts you will make the 5 sales . How many sales you make depends solely on how much of your time you allocate to making the 100 needed contact . You contact 100 people a day – you make 5 sales a day . You contact 100 people a week – you make 5 sales a week . You contact 100 people a month – you make 5 sales a month . No magic formula , no special secret . It ’ s About Time .
You have got to put the time in to be successful at anything . Look around at all the successful people in all different arenas and facets of life . You can bet assured on one thing … they all put the needed time in to be successful .
In life there are many things competing for our time and as we dibup our time we find very little time left to do things , mainly those things we have identified as important to us . You will be surprise of the activities that steal most of our time in a day , making us less productive and disabling us from reaching our goals . Top culprits of such activities are : Sleep , Television , Friends , and Social Media .
Remember we all are only given 24 hours in each and every day . Consider how much of your 24 hours you spend engaging in the above mentioned activities . How much of that time could you allocate toward reaching your personal and professional goals . Are you willing to wake-up 5 a . m .? Are you willing to work 12 hour work days ? Are you willing to turn off the television and give that time to your goal ? The difference in those who succeed in life verses those who don ’ t is in most cases simply the amount of time they allocate to their success . It ’ s About Time .
Personally , if it is your goal to lose weight , you know there are some basic principles to aid you in reaching your goal . One is exercise . Walking is one of the many exercises that can produce the desired results . If you walk for one hour any day - whether morning , noon , or evening , you will achieve your goal of losing weight . How much weight you lose and how fast you lose it depends solely on how much of your time you allocate toward your goal . No magic formula , no special secret . It ’ s About Time .
Professionally , if it is your desired goal to gain more customers , clients , or sales ; again there are some basic principles to aid you in reaching your goal . Marketing is a fancy term we use today where back in the day we simply said ‘ go out and get customers by telling them about your business .’ I remember a day not too far gone when if you talked to 10 people you would make at least 3 sales .
Publisher ' s Editorial Darryl A . Barrs It ' s About Time Jacksonville , Florida Mother ' s 2015