Program Success May 2009 | Page 3

PS MAY 2009 Pages.qxd 5/4/2009 5:07 PM Page 1 PROGRAM SUCCESS – MAY 2009 PAGE 3 TRUE INTENTIONS OF GAY ACTIVISTS By Gwen Richardson Guest Columnist Houston, Texas For several years, I have observed the growing influence of gay activists, unsure of their true intentions. Their tactics initially piqued my interest about 15 years ago, when they began comparing their historical plight with that of African Americans. This comparison was absurd on its face and I wondered how they could have the temerity to make such a claim. After all, African Americans are the descendants of millions of Black Africans who were brought to these shores in chains, dehumanized and sold as chattel for 250 years with no rights whatsoever, then subjected to another hundred years of, at best, second class citizenship. Homosexuals have suffered no intergenerational discrimination, have never been denied the right to vote or own property, and can disguise their sexual preference for a lifetime, if necessary. Comparing the history of gays to that of African Americans is like comparing the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre to the Holocaust. Yet, the claims of gay lobbyists that their rights are somehow linked to the freedom struggle of African Americans have slowly taken root in many sectors. They have even adopted some of the language of the Movement, referring to their cause as a struggle for “civil rights,” and charging that those who oppose their crusade are either motivated by hate or are simply bigots. Gwen Richardson But, after years of close observation, I have now uncovered the true intentions of gay activists: To silence, demote or excommunicate any individual who dares to disagree with the unbridled promotion of homosexuality and gay marriage. The reason I use the term “uncovered” is that it is often difficult to determine gay activists’ true intentions since, from the beginning, most have been less than honest about their goals or the facts. In addition to their co-opting the Civil Rights Movement as an extension of the gay cause, let us examine some of the other falsehoods they have advanced over the past decade. Ten years ago, gay activists claimed they had no interest in pursuing gay marriage. They asserted that all they wanted was equal protection under the law, hospital visitation rights and the right to transfer property in the event of a death — all of which I support. It is now obvious that their goal all along was the advancement of gay marriage. How else can one explain the methodical way in which they have worked to change marriage laws in small, liberal states initially, and later in as many other states as possible. Gay activists also falsely claim that all homosexuals are born that way, with a socalled “gay gene.” Not See TRUE INTENTIONS OF GAY ACTIVISTS NOW REVEALED Continued on page 8