President Obama Speaks
Strong Infrastructure is a Key Ingredient to a Thriving Economy
At Jacksonville Port , President Obama lays out his vision for rebuilding an economy that grows from the middle out , not the top down , which includes creating jobs by investing in our nation ’ s infrastructure .
It was my distinct pleasure to tour the Port of Jacksonville , Florida , yesterday with President Obama . There , the President spoke with port officials about a challenge I saw firsthand as Mayor of Charlotte : “ The businesses of tomorrow will not locate near old roads , outdated ports — they ’ re going to go to places where the ports are good , the roads are good , the rail lines are good , you ’ ve got high-speed Internet , you ’ ve got high-tech schools , trained workers , systems that move air traffic and auto traffic faster .”
President Obama and this Department want to make sure that America ’ s communities have what it takes to compete effectively in the 21st century global economy , and we want to put people to work right now helping them do exactly that . You can read the President ’ s remarks and watch video from Jacksonville at whitehouse . gov .
Millions of Americans in the past who used our transportation system to connect with the economic promise our nation offered them . I ’ m talking about the millions of Americans who use our transportation system today to connect with jobs , education , medical services , and all of the resources that help make our lives so abundant . And I am talking about the millions of Americans in the next generation who will use our transportation system to connect with tomorrow ’ s opportunities .
Because throughout our history , improved transportation has been one of the best examples of what one generation can leave to the next . A strong transportation system ensures that a working mom spends less time in traffic and more time with her kids . A strong
captions : top , President Obama and US Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx on Air Force 1 traveling to Jacksonville , FL .; middle , President & Secretary tours Jax . Ports
Barack Obama Infrastructure Thriving Economy Anthony Foxx Orlando , Florida Summer 2013
transportation system helps American businesses ship their products across the country and around the world . A strong transportation system helps seniors get to medical appointments and connects veterans with job training .
And that is why it is so important that we at the Department of Transportation work harder than ever before to give the American people what they demand when it comes to infrastructure :
- Americans want their time back - not hours of traffic . - Americans want transportation that expands - not hinders business capacity . - Americans want 21st century jobs - jobs that they will only find through 21st century infrastructure . - Americans want safety - and sustainability .
The work we do at DOT matters . It matters to those who do it ; it matters to the American people we serve . We will continue to do it well .
Anthony Foxx U . S . Secretary of Transportation