Program Success Magazine June 2021 | Page 3

And second of all , according to a 2013 report by the CDC , Black dads — whether they live with their children , or not — are more actively involved in their children ’ s lives than their counterparts of other races .
For example , the CDC reports that Black fathers who live with their children are more likely than fathers of other races to provide physical care ( bathe , diaper , feed ) for their young children , read to their children , and help their children with their homework — all on a daily basis — than fathers of other races who also cohabitate with their kids .
The report also reveals that , among dads who don ’ t live with their children , Black dads are more likely to be involved in care , including reading to their children , helping them with homework , talking to them about their days , and taking them to activities , than Hispanic or white dads who live apart from their kids . Nonresidential Black fathers are also the least likely to report that they ’ re not at all involved in the care of their children , including bathing , dressing , changing diapers , and playing with their children .

Mothers ’ reports echo fathers ’

Lest we believe that these statistics are skewed by the fathers ’ own self-reporting , other studies based on maternal reports echo these findings . In a 2008 survey of low-income mothers , researchers found that “ nonresident white fathers were less involved with their children than African-American and Latino fathers .” In a 2018 study of “ nonmarital ” births , mothers reported that Black fathers “ shared responsibilities more frequently and displayed more effective coparenting than Hispanic and White fathers .”
And , it seems that the parental relationship , the strong focus of Moynihan ’ s 1965 report , actually has less of an impact on Black fathers ’ involvement with their kids than it does on the involvement of other fathers . In a 2009 paper about the childrearing roles of unmarried men , authors note that “ Father involvement also varies by race and ethnicity , with rates for Africans American being higher than the average American father …. Father involvement drops sharply after parents ’ relationships end , especially when they enter subsequent relationships and have children with new partners . These declines are less dramatic for African American fathers .”
As journalist German Lopez writes , when it comes to Black fatherhood , “ absence is not the norm . Active , involved parenthood is .” Program Success 3 June 2021