Program Success Magazine July 2024 | Page 33

Carmen Strength


Christian Beautypreneur

Beautypreneur Community Community Activist

Activist Mental Health Advocate

Carmen Strength is a Christian Beautypreneur that was born and raised in Houston , Texan . She received her bachelor ’ s and master ’ s degree from HBCU Prairie View A & M University where her mother and father met .
Carmen has a calling on her life to help her community . She became a teacher , then a successful insurance broker , and now an entrepreneur . These experiences laid the groundwork for her to highlight self-love and self-image which springboarded her to a life of service as a mental health advocate for children , inmates and disenfranchised communities , and the creation of her podcast “ No Attachments “.
C ’ Z PRETTY GIRLZ and No Attachments was born during the pandemic . Carmen became a Beautypreneur to enhance positive self-image through innovative beauty products . Our vision is to inspire a global culture where authenticity and self-love shine .
C ’ Z PRETTY GIRLZ ‘ s mission is to empower young ladies and men through self-love and positive self-image . We have varieties of eyelashes , hair / skin products , and apparels for males and females .
“ We are fearfully and wonderfully made .” Psalm 139:14a

www . czgirlz . com

Carmen Strength is an active member of Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority Inc . Married with two children . Founder of Lady C Ministries , Wright Place Leadership Center , Sister Kreating Innovations , and co-founder God ’ s House Global Ministries .