Program Success Magazine July 2024 | Page 30


Attorney Regina Nunnaly Diversity Daytona Beach , Florida February 2024
I worked for an attorney while in law school . He had a good heart and truly wanted to make a difference in his client ’ s life . In his efforts to assist me in my future legal career , he suggested that I record my voice . Apparently , my intonation did not sound professional . He wanted me to sound less “ black ”.
From another person , I was also told that I should be selective of what I put on my resume . Since my name does not sound black , employers can ’ t figure out who I am before calling me for an interview . So , I purposely left off some groups or clubs that would not identify my race .
Lastly , my sister-in-law was having a birthday party for her first grandchild in 2004 . She wanted a clown for the party . My nephew declined the assignment . So , she called me and asked me to do it . I ’ ve never done anything like that before but it was for the kids so I decided to do it . I put on the make-up , the clown suit , the rainbow wig and big red shoes . My stage name was “ Sassy the Gospel Clown ”. During my clown routine , a little black boy came up to me and said , “ You are not a real clown .” This took me by surprise because I didn ’ t sign up for this abuse . So , still in character voice I asked him why he said that . He said , “ Because you ’ re black !”
I ’ m not accepted because my voice sounds unprofessional or uneducated . I shouldn ’ t have to hide my identity to get a call back . An eight year old boy in the 21st century is shocked to see a black clown ! These are my experiences which make the struggle real . What does this all mean to you ? We need diversity .
I went to a line dance party . I saw diversity : white , black , Asian , Hispanic , young and old . They had something in common . They danced to the same beat . Some were more charismatic than others . Some were more advanced . Others were struggling to learn the steps but they were not intimidated . Those that were watching clapped and cheered . Why can ’ t we do this for one another ? We are not dancing to the same beat . They were not preoccupied with differences they were focusing on the dance , on having a good time . Life can be a dance and we can have a good time . Unfortunately , we become intimidated and perceive diversity as a threat . Where did this come from ?
We are a product of our environment ; it is learned behavior . When we associate with diverse individuals , we learn not to fear people who are different . We have no excuse to think the same way anymore . The way we think manifests who we really are . Prejudices do exist . It is prevalent in high places . We have preferences . Preferences are prejudices without the pain or power . So , the next time we talk about diversity , stop and think about the eight year boy who thought I was not a real clown because I was black . I personally can relate to how he felt . I would have had the same thought too when I was his age ! However , a teaching moment arose so I told him : “ Really , I didn ’ t notice . It doesn ’ t matter who I am , we are all the same , I am just a clown !” So , maybe he will see that he can be anything he wants to be . We limit ourselves when we hide in plain sight .