Program Success Magazine July 2024 | Page 10

Program Success Page 10 Program Success 38 December 2023

How can power be used as a catalyst for the change we want ?

I ask this question because , if you ’ ve witnessed or experienced power misuse like I have ( and I ’ m sure you have too ), it is frightening !!
Individuals in position of power , whether as managers or gatekeepers , can use their position to create workplace inclusion . But they can also use their position to manipulate or exploit .
5 Signs of Power Misuse to Watch Out for :
1️ Favouritism : When a person in power consistently shows preferential treatment towards specific individuals or groups , bypassing everyone else .
2️ Lack of transparency : Keeping important information or decisions hidden from others , preventing them from understanding the rationale behind certain actions or policies .
3️ Retaliation and intimidation : Using power to silence opposing voices or retaliate against others who challenge unethical practices .
4️ Lack of accountability : Leaders who avoid responsibility for their actions , fail to address complaints or concerns , and avoid taking corrective measures when power misuse is brought to their attention .
5️ Exploitation and discrimination : Utilising power differentials to exploit , engage in discriminatory practices based on factors such as gender , race , or ethnicity , or engage in sexual harassment .

Gloria Tabi www . everydayinclusion . com . au

• Because misuse of power will create an imbalanced and toxic work environment , people will feel marginalised , powerless , and unable to speak up .
• Such misuse of power not only erodes trust within the workplace but also stifles innovation , hinders collaboration , and ultimately leads to decreased productivity and dissatisfaction .
• Your company ’ s commitment to workplace inclusion is integral to its brand . So , unaddressed power misuse will undermine this commitment , potentially leading to the absence of genuine inclusion
Power has it place , so be mindful as to who is place at key roles within your organisation . Because power is like a double-edged sword .
Gloria Tabi is the CEO of EVERYDAY INCLUSION . Gloria ’ s research specialises in Social Analysis on Race , Black Identity and Anti-racism and as a Black African-Australian woman , Gloria brings well-grounded knowledge and experience of the impacts presented in race and gender identities . With over thirty-years of experiences in Project Management , Recruitment , Employment , Student Mentorship , Customer Service and Sales Gloria ’ s ability to engage , negotiate and build worthwhile relationships across diversity , clients and demographics are her greatest skills . Gloria provides proactive , relevant and impactful training frameworks that are tailored to your business for a safe , productive and sustainable future .