Program Success July 2023 Magazine | Page 10

Medical Marijuana Education and Research Initiative ( MMERI ) of Florida
One commonly observed and blatantly obvious tactic individuals employ is intentionally showing up after the scheduled test date , allowing them more time to cleanse their system . Both Ms . Dobbins and Mr . Boutan have stopped attempts to use concealed drug-free urine samples . A particularly daring method used to cheat a urine test involves obtaining a urine sample from a non-user . www . mmeri . famu . edu / learn

Medical Marijuana Education and Research Initiative ( MMERI ) of Florida

Drug Policies , Testing Methods Adapt to Growth in Cannabis Use

Consider this hypothetical scenario : Two weeks ago , during a vacation in California , you lawfully purchased and consumed marijuana intended for adult use . But now you are back at work in Florida , where recreational cannabis remains illegal , and you have been chosen for a random drug test by your employer .
It is highly likely that your past marijuana usage , although legal at the time , would be detected by urine and hair follicle tests . A urine analysis can find traces of tetrahydrocannabinol ( THC ), the psychoactive component in cannabis , for up to 30 days following marijuana consumption , while a hair follicle sample offers up to 90 days of potentially incriminating evidence .
If your employer has a strict drug-free workplace policy , you could be fired regardless of the circumstances . The same consequence could happen even if you had legally used low-THC medical cannabis because employees with Florida medical marijuana cards are not protected by state law .
Medical Marijuana Education Research Initiative of Florida FAMU
According to drug testing expert Zathan Boutan , employees whose job roles pose safety risks , such as those working in law enforcement and transportation , are often subject to random drug testing as a condition of employment , unlike employees in desk-bound positions .
“ Oral fluid is one of the newer methodologies , and it goes back a day , possibly two if you ’ re a heavy user ,” says Kelly Dobbins , who has 25 years of experience in administering drug and alcohol tests for public and private employers , courts and the federal government .

One commonly observed and blatantly obvious tactic individuals employ is intentionally showing up after the scheduled test date , allowing them more time to cleanse their system . Both Ms . Dobbins and Mr . Boutan have stopped attempts to use concealed drug-free urine samples . A particularly daring method used to cheat a urine test involves obtaining a urine sample from a non-user . www . mmeri . famu . edu / learn

And then there are people who just come right out and ask how they can pass a drug test .
Visit https :// youtu . be / o26YpRZma3I to watch MMERI ’ s Conversations on Cannabis Virtual Forum featuring Dr . Joseph Rosado , Ivory Davis MN , RN , and Sandra Guynes MSN , RN discuss cannabis nursing . For more information on medical marijuana and to sign up for the MMERI newsletter , go to http :// mmeri . famu . edu .