Program Success July 2018 | Page 28

Tinhomme Holding Group , LLC www . tinhommeholdinggroup . com ( 786 ) 541-4962

Malloy Tinhomme

Poet / Author

Book of Poems available now ! Links to purchase below :
Amazon . com ( Search : Malloy Tinhomme )
BarnesandNoble . com ( Search : Malloy Tinhomme )
http :// greenberrypublishing . com / book / malloy-j-tinhomme /
I am an aircraft engineer who writes poetry . It was my junior year of high school I realized I had the knack for this special form of literature . Some of my early works were born out of boredom sitting in class not knowing what to do . I would start off my poetry with a word , phrase , or a line and find something to rh ym e with it , then I would start writing around those rhymes and come up with a concept . I realized that poetry isn ' t really that hard , it just takes time and patience to fine the right mix of rh ym es , words and ideas that can come together to make a poem . My origins are of the city of Miami , Florida where I do what I do best , and that is writing poetry . Luckily that is not the only thing I love doing . I enjoy listening to music and making beats . I also enjoy airplanes and how they work and I am currently working in the aviation industry .
Malloy Tinhomme Poet , Author Jacksonville , Florida Summer 2018
" Better to write for yourself and have no public , then to write for the public and have no self. " - Cyril Connolly ( 1903 - 1974 )

Tinhomme Holding Group , LLC www . tinhommeholdinggroup . com ( 786 ) 541-4962

� @ tinhommepoetry W' @ tinhommepoetry @ tinhommepoetry a tinhommepoetry

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