Program Success July 2011 | Page 29

PROGRAM SUCCESS – JULY 2011 PAGE 29 The 6 Commandments of Online Photo Sharing By Andrea Bartz and Brenna Ehrlich, Special to CNN The six commandments of photo sharing. focus on Facebook photos, tag-able Flickr photos and really any image you send out into the world via a blog, tweet, or other online platform. This includes but is not limited to: streaking, sharing a joint, hanging out on the wrong side of a “no trespassing” sign, and raising a glass with a 19-year-old cousin. I don’t care whether it’s tagged or not, if it goes online the subject is screwed. In fact, delete it. It never happened. What “no trespassing” sign? Well, welcome to 1984: Insurers can, and do, scour your Facebook account and deny claims based on what they find there. A recent article in “SELF” magazine tells of a young woman booted from her depression-related disability insurance after she posted pics of herself smiling with friends. Now, obviously we’re not suggesting you only post photos of yourself looking miserable (or, alternatively, scuttle under a rock and erase your online presence in an attempt to outmaneuver HMOs), but do play it safe. Get a thumbs-up before posting pics of a pal, say, sucking on a cancer stick. ...Anyone obviously inebriated. of anyone in a bathing suit. Do we really need to tell you this? Apparently, yes, based on the bevy of despicable photo blogs devoted to the topic. They feature shots of barely conscious imbibers who should be in the back of ambulances, not curled up around toilets while their friends pull out cameras. So here you go: DON’T TAKE OR POST SUCH PICTURES. We also don’t recommend getting that slizzared, but hey, this is Netiquette, not Life Advice. There are a few people who keep their Facebook profiles bikini-free, either because of body image or professional concerns (yeah, if you’re FB friends with your boss, you might not want her to see you flouncing around in a stringy triangle top, clutching a coconut-shell cocktail). It never hurts to check beforehand (and hey, if she gives you the red light, you’ve got some instant blackmail material). Thou Shalt Not Post Pics of... ...Anyone doing anything illegal. ...Anyone making out. Wedding kissies are one thing, slobbery tongues are another. It’s humiliating for the photographed and horrifying to helpless witnesses. Thou Shalt Check with the Subjects Before Posting... ...Anyone doing anything insurance might not like. their health ...throwback photos. There is but one flaw with the photo album/lock-box comparison: the mighty scanner. Your friend might find that photo of herself as a pizza-faced 13-year-old with her arm deep in a Doritos bag hilarious, or she might find it completely devastating, depending on which way her self- esteem headed post zit-addled adolescence. Ask in advance of launching that well-intentioned trip down Memory Lane.