Program Success July 2010 | Page 18

PAGE 18 Leon Bing continued from page 17 6 They have wandered through the mountains and hills, across the face of the earth, yet no one has gone to search for them. 7 “Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD: 8 As surely as I live, says the Sovereign LORD, you abandoned my flock and left them to be attacked by every wild animal. Though you were my shepherds, you didn’t search for my sheep when they were lost. You took care of yourselves and left the sheep to starve. 9 Therefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the LORD. 10 This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I now consider these shepherds my enemies, and I will hold them responsible for what has happened to my flock. I will take away their right to feed the flock, along with their right to feed themselves. I will rescue my flock from their mouths; the sheep will no longer be their prey. NLT I want to briefly show you that God has an issue when shepherds don’t fulfill the shepherd / sheep relationship. A CEO is concerned with making it up the letter of PROGRAM SUCCESS – JULY 2010 success; a shepherd should be concerned about God’s people, the sheep! Ministry is not about how much I as a shepherd can get, but how I can best lead my sheep. Many leaders have taken ministry to the extreme yet their congregations are hurting, okay, maybe not all of them but if one is hurting or without, that’s too many! Let me close with this, people need to see their pastors as shepherds, not CEO’s. Pastors should seek to have that shepherd / sheep relationship with their congregations. Then we, the body of Christ, can get back to the plan of God for the church where the Chief Shepherd can lead us back to where God would have us to be as his people! I love you all, Blessings! Get You Free Program Success Magazine Go To: [email protected]