Program Success January 2018 | Page 17

Front Cover Feature 25 Years Anniversary Darryl A . Barrs , Gwendolyn E . Barrs Daytona Beach , Florida January 2018

,-..; The Black Church and Black Business has been and is still today the major institutions in the Black Community ,-..;

The Christian Reader Newspaper championed many causes in the community and rallied our people together to support businesses and elect politicians . It was doing the extensive support of Barack Obama that the newspaper created one of its most controversial front cover headlines . In the October 2008 edition , one month before the 2008 November elections , the headline read " In Less Than Thirty Days America Will Elect Its First Black President ". You know the rest of the story . The following month the name of The Christian Reader Newspaper was changed to The Program Success Magazine .
The Program Success Magazine maintained the mission and purpose of the publication to educate encourage and inspire . The magazine became fully digital in 1996 which massively increased the readership to over 650,000 statewide , nationwide and worldwide . The publication has been instrumental in election countless individuals to public office including electing First-Time Black Mayors in Tallahassee , Daytona Beach , and Jacksonville .


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Octoi . - 2008
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� ! n !! D : s America Will Elect Its First Black President
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Thcclcc ! ionofBarackObama as President of the United States will usher in America ' s Fim Black Family into the White House . Barack . Michelle . Malia and Sasha will permanently change the ni:gati1 -e image ofBlackpeople . Theywill do what theCosbyShowcould notbccausefaceit-itwas on ! ya tclevision ahow . America will be forced 10 look at Blacks in a different light and then confe.� " Yes We Can " live life witholll_violcnce : live as a complete family : li1 · e drug free : love one another . 11 '0 rk successful jobs : become distmgu1shed business professl (K lals wi1h careers as Doctors. Lawyers . Tcle _

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Enginccrs , nnd " YcsWcCan " leadlhis country .
The Black faces lha1 dominalC the l ' ICWS channels rapina; and robbina; represenl only a small segment of our commu • nity-itisthcm i norityandmust onccandfor allbcputinhs placc . Thccnd • timchascomcfor 1hatSuccessfulBlack Man and Successful Black Woman to no longer be perceived as 1hecxcep1ion but now as the nonn . I havc always .,;a id thatifa negati ,-c situation existandhas cxistcdforalong1ime ... itisbccauscsomcbodywants itthat way . Change docs no1jus1 come - i1 is forced . Mal-Go1 -c mmcnt and Corrupt Business Ltadcrs produced an Ailing Economy on thebreakofdcalhwhkhforcedthi sChangc
IH YES WE CANl page 14