Program Success January 2010 | Page 26

PAGE 26 Silence of God continued from page 19 Argument about honoring God in worship Some questioned this accusation. How did they dishonor God? By offering blind and lame sacrifices that even their own governor would not accept. (Read Malachi 1:6 -14). People today still have this issue to overcome that is giving God their best. Many have stopped attending services like they use to, they have stopped serving in the various ministries at their local churches, and basically many have just flat out stopped attending church. Some will say that times have gotten tough! Well, if you had been attending church, you would have known that times are going to get even tougher! But God is able to bring us out of whatever may come our way! And even as Malachi said, try being slake with “Uncle Sam”, it won’t work, and the government will not accept anything less than what it asks for! But we don’t have a problem giving any old thing to God. Argument against the priest God was not worshiped properly because the priest did not act as godly priest by honoring God, giving the PROGRAM SUCCESS – JANUARY 2010 people true instruction in God’s law, walking in righteousness and peace, or turning people from wickedness. Because they corrupted the Levitical covenant, God will despise and curse them. (Read Mal. 2: 1-9). Even the Ministers of God are not exempt! There are Ministers, or Pastors who care more about what they can get, rather than giving people truth. God was not pleased then, and he is not pleased now! Argument on marriage and divorce The Jewish family was defined by its relationship to one father, Abraham, and one God, the God of Israel. But many Hebrew were destroying the traditional family, some by marrying foreign wives and others by divorcing their Hebrew wives. This profaned the people’s worship of God at the temple and made it impossible for him to accept their sacrifices. (Read Mal. 2: 10 -16) Today, one by one, states are legalizing same sex marriage. And many in the church are accepting it as though God has changed His mind about it. As well as See Silence of God page 28