Program Success February 2015 | Page 29

Dr . Charles E . Simmons , III , M . D .
By Dr . Charles E . Simmons , III , M . D . Simmons Pediatrics , Jacksonville , FL Assisted By Dominique D . Barrs Medical Student
Charles E . Simmons , III Colic Jacksonville , Florida February 2015
Science and medicine has come a long way , and has determined the cause and effects of many common ailments . They have found evidence and concluded why things occur . With this knowledge , they can give prevention and other precautionary methods . However , some things are still unknown and clear as to why they appear and what are their causes . One of these phenomenons is when children under the age of three months suffer from Colic . Colic is uncontrollable crying in a baby that has no known cause . On a spectrum of normal crying behavior , Colic falls on the extreme and excessive end . It usually starts a few weeks after birth and gradually disappears by the age of three months . About one to two in every ten babies get Colic .
Your baby may have Colic if they cry excessively , and they are an otherwise healthy and well-fed child . Usually the cries occur about the same time every day , for a few hours . These predictable outbursts appear suddenly and for no apparent reason , last for a few hours , and can have a bowel movement . Colic isn ' t thought to be due to pain , but the intense crying may make the baby appear to be in pain . Babies may change their posture by lifting their heads , curling legs into chest , clinching their fists , passing wind , or becoming red and flushed in the face . Colic isn ' t a severe condition , and a baby suffering with Colic continues to eat and gain weight normally , and grows healthily .
There is no single medicine or proven cure for Colic , but Colic usually improves on its own . Some measures that may help soothe the discomfort are they methods used for any crying child . Offering a pacifier , holding your baby , giving a warm bath or a nice walk can help soothe the cries . Since there are no known causes as to why the crying persists , there are no pinpoint solutions . If you are still concerned about your baby ' s crying , or more serious problems such as your baby not eating or sleeping arise , then seeing the doctor to make sure it ' s Colic is the next step .
Caring for a baby with Colic can be frustrating and exhausting to first time and experienced mothers . If you
feel overwhelmed , it is best to stay positive and take breaks whenever possible . Even if you have only an hour to yourself to regroup and remind yourself that this is only a temporary period of time . Recognize your limits and try to alleviate the unnecessary stress . Your child is in as much discomfort as you are .
Colic is one of the many mysteries of life . About 20 percent of babies become colicky . The condition is equally prone to males and females , breast-fed and formula-fed , and any race or culture . One day , with the help of science and medicine , we will have all the answers and preventative measures for the mystery we call Colic .