Program Success December 2018 | Page 6

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The African culture has been misinformed on many principies that would lead to the ultimate revolution of our culture . Many African Americans are unaware of such principles that we were granted many years prior to the Western studies that has been embedded in our being . Most African American cultures lack the ability to Unite , gain self-determination , maintain collective work efforts and responsibilities , build cooperative economics , drive purpose , be creative and build on Faith . Without these principles our culture can easily be prone to continued manipulations , abuse and economic declines .
Let ' s evaluate the Jewish Holiday Passover . Passover is a major Jewish holiday that steams from the Jewish liberation from slavery in Ancient Egypt . The Jews were freed from slavery under the leadership of Moses according to biblical text . The eight-day festival of Passover celebrated in the early spring , from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan , April 19 - April 27 , 2019 . Passover ( Pesach ) commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt . Pesach is observed by avoiding leaven , and highlighted by the Seder meals that include four cups of wine , eating matzah and bitter herbs , and retelling the story of the Exodus . This celebration keeps their culture unified , with collective work ethics , maintains cooperative economics , purpose , creativity and Faith in the God they serve . So ask yourself " Why are African Americans so detached from our culture " and when do we celebrate our " Liberation from slavery "? Well we are lacking sue important principle that can lead us to our
Ultimate Revolution . How do we gain these principles ? We can gain these principles through the celebration created for us in 1966 . Seculare Humanist Maulana Karenga creat- ed the African culture celebration very similar to Passover and it is called Kwanzaa . Kwanzaa has no relationship to the Western Holiday Christmas , it has all to do with celebrating our history , sharing the stories derived from where we come from and creating solutions within our family and culture to build and Unite . Yet it is the least prevalent holiday of the year . Most African Americans maintains the celebration of Christmas celebrating Jesus and Santa Claus , which totally takes away the time and passion to celebrate God , the God that lives within us , our history and our culture .
If no one takes the time to put emphasis on ourselves , then why do we expect someone else to do the same for us ? We can no longer hold those expectations . We must expect to be the leaders of our future ; by teaching our families the principles that makes us aware , grow stronger and unite with love . I would like to state that Dr . Sebi the founder of the African BioMineral Balance points out the major cause of the
'i African culture decline of Love and he is the � Moses of the African culture that sets the pace to lead us to our real liberation from
� 400 + years of slavery . We must love ourselves enough through correcting our diets , decalcifying our Pineal Gland and celebrating our History via Kwanzaa .
Kwanzaa is set for celebrations starting Dec . 26 - Jan . 1 .
During this 7 day time we should also celebrate our knowing and build on said principles . So we invite you to celebrate Kwanzaa at TeaPosh Naturals , 127 4 State St W Jax .
Fl . 32204 with the following events .
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Tea Posh Naturals Celebrating Kwanzaa Tyrica Nelson Jacksonville , Florida December 2018
On Wed . 12 / 26 - Unity : we will invite our Duval County
Elders Panel and offer discounts for any Elders 60 years old or old to speak and share their solutions as it relates t Unity .