Program Success December 2016 | Page 5

Sexual Molestation Victim Launches Non Profit to Help Other Victims

It ’ s often said that when life hands one lemons , they should use it to make lemonade . And a victim of sexual molestation , Sherri Jones , has used her lemons to do just that by launching an organization , Women United Against Sexual Molestation ( WUASM ).
Jones was assaulted in April 2015 by Deandre Snelling , while she was out for a walk near her home . Although
Snelling was arrested and charged , he was ruled incompetent for prosecution . He was later released a month later after undergoing psychiatric evaluations . Following his release , Snelling was arrested for sexual assault in June and was again deemed incompetent for prosecution .
Since the unfortunate incident , Jones has been lobbying for a change in the legal system . She wants offenders who are ruled incompetent to have a longer monitoring period than what is now in place . She wanted to do more for victims and launched Women United Against Sexual Molestation in January 10 , 2016 .
Sexual Molestation Victim Sherri Jones Jacksonville , Florida January 2017
Statistics from the Rape Abuse & Incest National Network that there are approximately 293,000 cases of sexual assault and only 98 % of rapists will never spend a day in jail . WUASM exists to bring awareness to the tragedies of sexual molestation . The organization ’ s mission is to unite women ’ s lives through healing , acceptance and moving forward past the tragedies . Jones has also partnered with several other organizations in Jacksonville to unite women that have been victimized . When asked what she hopes to accomplish through the organization , Jones said : “ There are just too many silent sufferers walking around . I hope to unite as many women that have been affected by molestation , endeavoring to liberate their captive spirits !”
WUASM also has a Facebook page that features live updates , news feeds and life streaming on the subject of sexual molestation . For further details about the organization , please visit : https :// www . facebook . com / wuasm
Media contact : Sherri Jones Telephone : 904-288-1585 Email : sherri . jones @ wuasm . org