Program Success December 2014 | Page 31

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Who Heals The Healer ?

In every community there is that person who has the uncanny ability to make things right . Whether it is words of advice to a youth , direction to a married couple , financial solution , medical information , human resource , business instructions , career guidance , or wise counsel … this person is always there . It is hard to image life without this person , but maybe it ’ s not so hard . This person is virtually invisible to the majority of your life . Their face in not seen at your parties . Their smile is not present at your most happiest moments . Their name is not called among your friends when you gather . And yet , at your moment of need , this person is there , and their solution is true .
Many have contributed their success to this person and some even the sustenance of their life . Businesses are profitable because of this person . Schools are orderly because of this person . Families united because of this person . Churches are spiritual because of this person . Careers launched because of this person . Yet to this person no monuments are erected , no financial endowments , no media exaltations .
How so important is this person to our world and our existence . This person is The Healer and they fix all that is wrong within us . Because of them we continue . Because of them we succeed . Because of them we are healthy . Because of them we love . Because of them we grow . Because of them we live . We are all so grateful for this person and the exceptional way they have committed themselves to the service of others . However , it is far too common for us to take these extreme acts of kindness and support for granted , never recognizing The Healer as human too , and realizing they have their own moments of need . Who Heals the Healer ?
If you are that Healer , who cares enough to make that midnight drive to your home in your time of need ? Who cares that you have no food ? Who cares about the situation that disrupted your sleep last night ? Who helps you with your children ? Who searches the scriptures for that passage of
Publisher ' s Editorial Darryl A . Barrs Who Heals the Healer Jacksonville , Florida December 2014
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relief for your deliverance ? Who makes your cup of coffee or invite you out to lunch ? Not that you seek or demand any retribution for your service . Your hand is never extended . But you are not exempt to affliction . The pain you relieve also visits you .
It is not that no one cares , it just not obviously apparent that the hand that lifts would need lifting . The voice that encourages would need encouragement . The mind that consults would need consultation . The person so strong would have a weak moment . The person well know and admired would feel all alone . So there you stand , isolated and empty , the phone rings … another in need , off you go .
Who Heals the Healer ? Your position as The Healer is a unique calling only a few can attest , and it is accompanied with a medicine bag of special gifts and abilities . You are a shining star that is only appreciated by others in their darkness even though your shine smiles upon them even in daylight . Your purpose and contentment is your strength and in your medicine bag is also your prescription that lets you know and appreciate the fruits of your labor which is your reward .
Who Heals the Healer …? Healer – Heal Thyself !

Program Success www . ProgramSuccess . net

Failure is Not an Option