Program Success Christian Reader September 2007 | Page 10

10 The Christian Reader September 2007 LOVE JONES contiuned from page 9 selfless love than that of Jesus who showed us how to live life more abundantly. He sent us the words of Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit which gives us the beauty of love, the hope of love, and benefits of God’s kind of love. Unlike the singular spelling and multiple use of the word love, the English language and the Greek language had many spellings and meanings of it. Paul uses the common word for love - Eros, which is suggested physical, sexual desire and not much more. Another word Phileo represented the brotherly love of family or friendship. Neither of these words came close to describing the kind of love Paul wanted to communicate. Paul chose a relatively rare Greek word for his definition of love. This word Agape, most often used to speak of God’s love, that describes love in its most profound and pure form. This kind of love goes against the natural human inclination. It is giving selfless; expect nothing in return kind of love. It is a unconditional love, much like God gave us in John 3:16 – “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life; for God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be save.” The Holy Spirit inspired Paul’s description of love as short, but powerful; but does love really mean anything anymore? Does Paul’s meaning of love fit into our lives today, in a world that is very much like the city of Corinth, in a world that is spinning out of control? Can we grasp what God is telling us through Paul’s definition of love? If not, then let’s go back to Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus said “You shall love the God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment and the second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law of the prophets.” This word is so powerful and commanding. I have had to struggle with love in marriage, parenting, friendship, the workplace, and in business. Using God’s kind of love is hard, but it works. I can tell you I’m living it. I am a Love Jones. I am not perfect. I struggle with love because people will disappoint you; but all I have to do is think about how many times I have disappointed God. God has forgiven me and despite me, He (God) still loves me. He still gives me grace and mercy, and mercy and grace. took Jesus and humiliated Him. They beat Him and made Jesus carry a heavy wooden cross up a hill called Calvary. They stretched Jesus out on the ground and nailed spikes into His hands and feet. Then put a crown of thorns on His head as the blood streamed down. They stood Jesus hanging on that old wooden cross. They pierced Jesus’ side and though He quenched for water, the unbelievers gave Him vinegar. Yes, Jesus bled and yes He did die. They put Him in a borrowed tomb, because Jesus knew that He was not going to be there very long. Jesus went down into the depths of Hell to break up Satan’s party, and set the captives free. God rose Jesus up on the third day with all power. I said all power over sin, sickness, and the grave. Jesus’ resurrection put an end to the fear of death, because through Jesus, we will receive everlasting life. Yes, Jesus walked on the earth for 40 days to show the doubting “Thomases” that He is alive. Then Jesus ascended up to heaven to sit on the right hand of God the Father to serve as an intercessor for you and me. Jesus sent us the comforter, the Holy Spirit to walk with us, to talk to us, to protect us and to guide us; and the good news is that Jesus is coming back again, this time every knee shall bend and worship Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. So accept Jesus right now and receive the love of God until we forgive those who have hurt us, and yes even the church. Forgive those who you do not love and show them the love of God the Father, through Jesus Christ the Son, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Become a Love Jones. Love starts with forgiveness. Love has to be unconditional. Trust God to protect and guide us. God is a change agent and Jesus said we can do even greater things than He did. We can love someone who has never known love. There are people hurting because they have low self-esteem, feel defeated, experience disappointment and hurt, and do not know love. So how can we expect them to love someone? God is awesome because Love Jones made me a change agent in the lives of others by loving someone unconditionally. Jesus gave us two great commandments starting in Mark 12:30 – “One is to love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” The second is “Love your neighbor as yourself as God loves us.” Amen. I know you wouldn’t believe that I use to have a bad temper. I have people who have disappointed me, but I can say Thank You God! I now know God’s kind of love. I now see myself as a Love Jones. I now can see hurt and disappointment as God looks at it. I try to love as God loves us with all our imperfections. So, despite the bad news of the world and the disappointments of life, God still loves us and has sent His only begotten Son to save us so that He can have us through the atoned blood of Jesus Christ. God restored a personal relationship though Jesus the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus coming and dying showed us how to love unconditionally. Jesus showed us through His living how to live life more abundantly. Jesus showed us how to heal the sick and raise the dead. Jesus said that we shall do greater things. The world did not fully accept Jesus as the Son of God; despite that, Jesus died for our sins a horrible death. Jesus had to die as a final sacrifice or blood atonement for the sins of mankind. We gloss over Jesus death on the cross. The unbelievers You’re A Christian Reader [email protected] (904) 652-1515 Jacksonville (386) 672-7845 Daytona Beach