Program Success August 2009 | Page 7

PROGRAM SUCCESS – AUGUST 2009 The Power of Unity By Rev. O’Hara C. Black Senior Pastor-Teacher Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, Orlando, Florida Webster defines unity as “the quality or state of being one; a condition of harmony, dedication in purpose and action.” In times like these it is vital that there be oneness, or harmony in the Body of Christ. We are facing things like drugs, crime, prostitution, racism, sexism, domestic violence, and terrorism. The world is so full of brokenness. There are broken homes, broken families, broken hearts and broken lives. We cannot afford to have a broken fellowship among those of us who profess Jesus as Lord. The Church should be the epitome of oneness. Oneness does not mean duplication. No two churches are alike nor should they seek to be. Neither pastor nor parishioner should desire that their church be the clone of the church across town or down the street. Surely, we share a corporate, biblical mandate to win souls and make disciples. However, God gives each local church different methods with which to accomplish this missi