Program Guide 2013 Program Guide | Page 2

Josephine Ridge Carrillo Gantner AO Hon Heidi Victoria MP Robert Doyle Minister for the Arts Lord Mayor of Melbourne Melbourne Festival is coming up for its 30th anniversary and, as we approach that milestone, we are re?ecting on our contribution past and present and looking ahead to the future. What does Melbourne Festival mean to you? What does Melbourne Festival mean to you? What does the Festival mean for Melbourne? What I love about Melbourne Festival is the opportunity to see a wonderful diversity of outstanding international and Australian work in a condensed space of time, to experience the new and celebrate the brave, to listen to and learn from some of the world’s best artists, and to exhaust myself with immersion in the total Festival experience. Happiness! Melbourne Festival lets us see and experience innovative and creative local and international performers and artists. It reinforces our status as one of the world’s truly fabulous cities of the arts, to both patrons and artists. Every October we are nudged – and sometimes jolted – into Melbourne Festival performances and events that stir the senses and feed the soul. The Festival is central to Melbourne’s reputation as a hub of innovation and culture, and importantly, it stimulates the local economy. Melbourne Festival Creative Director The vibrancy, sophistication and sheer impressiveness of this city is inspiring in so many ways and our aspiration is to respond in kind with a festival that is undeniably of and for Melbourne. As our audience you have the opportunity throughout the year to attend a wealth of amazing performances, ?lms and exhibitions created by artists from home and abroad. In October it is our role to contribute something else: what we as a festival o?er is a tantalising and immersive experience that crosses genres; that contextualises the work of our local artists and international visitors; and that allows us to explore the beautiful and unique urban landscape that Melbourne o?ers from our magni?cent heritage theatres to the new icons of the 21st century. In short, we aim to celebrate Melbourne and invite you to join us for these 17 days of events that showcase the extraordinary achievement of some of the greatest artists working today. Melbourne Festival President What's your 'must see' show of the Festival? One of the delights of a great festival is that you make choices and accept surprises. Something that I anticipate will be stellar may turn out to o?er less than I had imagined, but more often something totally unknown will deliver a brilliant and unexpected night out. My Melbourne Festival is… …a time to watch Melbourne shine, and to have great experiences with my daughter and our friends. It’s often a welcome distraction from my hectic schedule and delivers the temporary escapism that is good for the soul. Bring it on! I love the ‘spaces between’ the Festival – by this I mean the free events. It is so invigorating to see the surprise and delight when people accidently stumble into a Melbourne Festival experience. Stay Connected Now you can stay in the loop with your favourite arts festival all year round – subscribe to Melbourne Festival's eNews and other social media channels for news, special o?ers and competitions, and get involved in sharing your own special Melbourne Festival moments. WEBSITE @MelbFestival #MelbFest ENEWS @MelbFestival #MelbFest 2 What do you look forward to at Melbourne Festival?