Pullout Failure Mode
Calculations ( f ́c / 2500 ) n
Calculations ACI 318-14 Chapter 17 Provision Comments for PROFIS Engineering
( f ́c / 2500 ) n The nominal pullout strength of a single cast-in , post-installed expansion , and postinstalled undercut anchor in tension , N pn
, shall not exceed
N pn
= ψ c , p
N p
( ) 17.4.3 . 2 For post-installed expansion and undercut anchors , the values of N p shall be based on the 5 percent fractile of results of tests performed and evaluated according to ACI 355.2 . It is not permissible to calculate the pullout strength in tension for such anchors .
PROFIS Engineering uses this equation to calculate a nominal pullout strength for mechanical anchors :
N pn , f ́c
= N p , 2500 λ a
( f ́c / 2500 ) n
Excerpt from ICC-ESR-1917 for the Hilti Kwik Bolt-TZ ( KB-TZ ) expansion anchor referencing provisions for calculating nominal pullout strength in tension .
4.1.4 Requirements for Static Pullout Strength in Tension : The nominal pullout strength of a single anchor in accordance with ACI 318-14 and or ACI 318-11 D . 5.3.1 and D . 5.3.2 , respectively , as applicable , in cracked and uncracked concrete ,
N p , cr and N p , uncr , respectively , is given in Tables 3 and 4 . For all design cases , ψ c , p
= 1.0 . In accordance with ACI 318-14 17.4.3 or ACI 318-11 D . 5.3 , as applicable , the nominal pullout strength in cracked concrete may be calculated in accordance with the following equation :
N p , f ́c
= N p , cr f ́c ( Eq-1 ) 2500
In regions where analysis indicates no cracking in accordance with ACI 318-14 or ACI 318- 11 D . 5.3.6 , as applicable , the nominal pullout strength in tension may be calculated in accordance with the following equation :
N p , f ́c
= N p , uncr f ́c ( Eq-2 ) 2500
PROFIS Engineering calculates nominal pullout strength in tension ( N pn
) per ACI 318-14 Eq . ( ). For mechanical anchors , the Equations and Results section of the report designate Npn as “ N pn , f ́c
”. Nominal pullout strength is calculated with the parameter “ N p
” which is defined in ACI 318-14 Chapter 2 as the pullout strength in tension of a single anchor in cracked concrete .
Mechanical anchor N p
-values derived from testing per the ICC-ES acceptance criteria AC193 in conjunction with the ACI standard ACI 355.2 ( a ) are provided in an ICC-ESR , ( b ) are specific to the concrete condition ( cracked or uncracked ), and ( c ) are specific to anchor diameter ( d a
) and effective embedment depth ( h ef ). PROFIS
Engineering uses these N p -values to calculate the nominal pullout strength for a mechanical anchor .
N p
-values in the ICC-ESR are derived from testing in 2500 psi concrete ; therefore , the Variables section of the PROFIS Engineering report designates the N p
-value from the ICC-ESR as “ N p , 2500 ”. The ICC-ESR provisions shown to the left illustrate how the N p
-value given in the ICC-ESR design tables ( derived from testing in 2500 psi concrete ) can be increased for design purposes when the concrete compressive strength ( f ́c ) for the application is greater than 2500 psi . Generally speaking , the factor by which “ N p , 2500
” can be increased equals ( f ́c / 2500 ) 0 . 5 ; however , the parameter ( f ́c / 2500 ) may be raised to another power . Reference Section 4.1.4 of the mechanical anchor ICC-ESR for specific information about this factor . PROFIS Engineering multiplies “ N p , 2500
” by ( f ́c / 2500 ) n when calculating nominal pullout strength for a mechanical anchor . The calculated value for ( f ́c / 2500 ) n is shown in the Calculations section of the mechanical anchor report . If pullout is not a possible controlling failure mode for a particular anchor diameter and embedment depth , the ICC-ESR will show “ NA ”, and no N p
-value will be given . PROFIS Engineering does not perform pullout calculations for anchor diameters / embedment ’ s for which “ NA ” is given in the ICC-ESR
Reference the Variables section of the report for more information on the following parameters :
• N p , 2500 — tested pullout value in 2500 psi concrete
• λ a
— lightweight concrete modification factor
• f ́c — concrete compressive strength
Where values for N p , cr or N p , uncr are not provided in Table 3 or Table 4 , the pullout strength in tension need not be evaluated .
Reference the Results section of the report for more information on the parameter
N pn , f ́c
When modeling cast-in anchors , PROFIS Engineering calculates nominal the pullout strength in tension ( N pn
) per ACI 318-14 Eq . ( ), and the parameter N p per ACI 318-14 Eq . ( ). Reference the cast-in anchor report sections relevant to pullout strength in tension for more information .