Stand-off Failure Mode
Results V S
Results 318-14 Chapter 17 Provision Comments for PROFIS Engineering
M Steel failure b ) Shear load with lever arm
The characteristic resistance of an anchor , V Rk , s , is given by Equation ( 5.5 ). where
V Rk , s
= α M M Rk , s [ N ] ( 5.5 ) l α M
= see l = lever arm according to Equation ( 4.2 )
M Rk , s
= M 0 ( 1 - N / N ) [ Nm ] ( 5 . 5a )
Rk , s Sd Rd , s
N Rd , s
= N Rk , s / γ Ms
N Rk , s
, γ Ms to be taken from the relevant ETA M 0 = characteristic bending resistance of an individual anchor
Rk , s
The value of M 0 for anchors according to current experience is obtained from Equation ( 5 . 5b ).
Rk , s
M 0 Rk , s = 1 . 2 W el f uk
[ Nm ] ( 5 . 5b )
The figures below illustrate ETAG 001 design assumptions with respect to bolt bending . PROFIS Engineering nomenclature for ACI 318 calculations is used in the illustrations .
Shear and tension load act on an anchor having standoff .
PROFIS Engineering uses the provisions given in the European Technical Approval Guideline ( ETAG ) titled ETAG 001 Metal Anchors for Use in Concrete Annex C : Design Methods for Anchorages to consider bolt bending as a possible shear failure mode . When a standoff condition exists for an anchorage , an applied shear load can create bending in the anchors . An internal bending resistance , designated M 0 , can be calculated using the material properties of the anchor
Rk , s element . M 0 is designated “ Rk , s M0 ” in PROFIS Engineering , and is calculated per s
Equation ( 5.5b ). If tension load also acts on the anchor , M 0 is reduced by a
Rk , s factor designated ( 1 – N sd
/ NRd , s ) per Equation ( 5.5a ), and the resultant design bending resistance is designated “ M Rk , s
” in Equation ( 5.5 ). M Rk , s is designated
“ M s ” in PROFIS Engineering . The parameter “ α M
” in Equation ( 5.5 ) corresponds to the amount of rotational restraint acting on the fixture , and the parameter “ l ” ( designated L b in PROFIS Engineering ) corresponds to distance from where the shear resistance is assumed to act , to the “ point of fixity ” in the concrete where the internal bending resistance is assumed to act .
Reference the figures to the left . The parameter V Rk , s in Equation ( 5.5 ) corresponds to the design shear resistance . Per Equation ( 5.5 ), PROFIS Engineering calculates a design shear strength ( resistance ) with respect to bending using values for the parameters α M
, M s , L b and a strength reduction factor ( ϕ-factor ) for steel failure in shear . PROFIS Engineering designates this design shear strength “ ϕV sM
ACI 318 anchoring-to-concrete provisions require calculation of a “ nominal strength ” which is then multiplied by a strength reduction factor ( s ) ( ϕ-factors ) to obtain a “ design strength ”. The parameter “ V sM
” in PROFIS Engineering corresponds to the nominal shear strength with respect to bending , and is calculated as follows :
V s
= ( α M
M s
)/ L b
The parameter “ ϕV sM
” in PROFIS Engineering corresponds to the design shear strength with respect to bending , and is calculated as follows :
ϕV s
= ϕ [( α M
M s
)/ L b ].
The PROFIS Engineering parameter “ ϕV sM ”, therefore , corresponds to the parameter “ V Rk , s
” in Equation ( 5.5 ). Per ACI 318 anchoring-to-concrete provisions , ϕV s
M is checked against the factored shear load ( V ua ) acting on the anchor .
PROFIS Engineering calculation . |
ϕV s
= ϕ
α M
M s
L b
Reference the Equations and Calculations section of the report for more information on the following PROFIS Engineering parameters .
M s
M 0 s :
L b
Resultant flexural resistance of the anchor
Characteristic flexural resistance of the anchor
Internal lever arm adjusted for spalling at the surface concrete
Reference the Variables section of the report for more information on the following PROFIS Engineering parameters : |
αM : |
Rotational restraint modification factor |
Reference the Results section of the report for more information on the following PROFIS Engineering parameters . |
ϕ steel
ϕV sM
ϕV ua
Strength reduction factor for steel failure in shear
Design shear strength ( resistance ) for bending
Factored shear load acting on the anchor