PROFIS Design Guide: US-EN Summer 2021 | Page 174


Concrete Breakout Failure Mode
Variables c a1
Variables ACI 318-14 Chapter 17 Provision Comments for PROFIS Engineering
c a1
17.5 . 2.1 The nominal concrete breakout strength in shear , V cb of a single anchor or V cbg of a group of anchors , shall not exceed : ………………………………………………….
………….…….. A Vc is the projected area of the failure surface on the side of the concrete member at its edge for a single anchor or a group of anchors . It shall be permitted to evaluate A Vc as the base of a truncated half-pyramid projected on the side face of the member where the top of the half-pyramid is given by the axis of the anchor row selected as critical . The value of c a1 shall be taken as the distance from the edge to this axis . ……………………………………..
A Vc0 is the projected area for a single anchor in a deep member with a distance from edges equal or greater than 1.5c a1 in the direction perpendicular to the shear force . It shall be permitted to evaluate A Vc0 as the base of a half-pyramid with side length parallel to the edge of 3c a1 and a depth of 1.5c a1 .
A Vc0
= 4.5c a1
( ) The basic concrete breakout strength in shear of a single anchor in cracked concrete , V b
, shall be the smaller of ( a ) and ( b ):
( a ) V b = 7 l e
0.2 d a d a λ a f ́c
( c a1 ) 1 . 5 ( )
…………………………………………………….. ( b ) V b
= 9λ a f ́c ( c a1 ) 1 . 5 ( )
17.5 . 2.3 For cast-in headed studs , headed bolts , or hooked bolts that are continuously welded to steel attachments having a minimum thickness equal to the greater of 3 / 8 in . and half of the anchor diameter , the basic concrete breakout strength in shear of a single anchor in cracked concrete , V b
, shall be the smaller of Eq . ( ) and Eq . ( )
The parameter “ c a1
” corresponds to the distance in the direction of the applied shear load from the center of an anchor , or centerline through a row of anchors , to the fixed edge where concrete breakout in shear is assumed to occur . The ACI 318-14 commentary R17.5.2.1 discusses how the value for c a1 can be taken as the distance from the anchor row nearest the fixed edge being considered for concrete breakout ( Case 1 and Case 3 ), or the anchor row farthest from that fixed edge ( Case 2 ). When the anchor configuration consists of more than two rows of anchors in shear , c a1 could also be considered from intermediate rows . PROFIS Engineering always uses a c a1
-value corresponding to the distance from the anchor row nearest the fixed edge where concrete breakout is assumed to occur unless AWS D1.1 headed studs are being modeled . Per ACI 318-14 Section , if the criteria noted in this section with respect to fixture thickness , anchor spacing and corner reinforcement are satisfied ; PROFIS Engineering uses a c a1
-value corresponding to the distance from the anchor row farthest from the fixed where concrete breakout is assumed to occur . The provisions of Section are only utilized by PROFIS Engineering when AWS D1.1 headed studs are being modeled .
The illustration below show examples of how c a1 can be determined .
Reference ACI 318-14 commentary Fig . R17.5.2.1b ( Case 1 ).
V b
= 8
l e
d a λ a f ́c
( c a1 ) 1 . 5 ( )
d a