1.6 Sustained Load Failure Mode
Variables d a
Variables ACI 318-19 Chapter 17 Provision Comments for PROFIS Engineering
d a Design of adhesive anchors to resist sustained tension shall satisfy Eq . ( ) 0.55 ϕN ba
≥ N ua , s ( ) where N ba is the basic bond strength in tension of a single adhesive anchor and is N ua , s the factored sustained tensile load .
17.6.5 . 2.1 Basic bond strength of a single adhesive anchor in tension in cracked concrete , N ba , shall be calculated by Eq . ( )
N ba
= λ a т cr π da h ef
( )
Example of a bond strength table in an ICC-ES evaluation report ( ESR ) showing parameters that are dependent on the anchor element diameter .
ICC-ES ESR-3187 Table 14
Nominal Rod Diameter ( in ). 3 / 8 1 / 2 5 / 8 3 / 4 7 / 8 1 1-1 / 4
Minimum Embedment h ef , min in 2-3 / 8 2-3 / 4 3-1 / 8 3-1 / 2 3-1 / 2 4 5 ( mm ) ( 60 ) ( 70 ) ( 79 ) ( 89 ) ( 89 ) ( 102 ) ( 127 )
Maximum Embedment h ef , max in 7-1 / 2 10 12-1 / 2 15 17-1 / 5 20 25 ( mm ) ( 191 ) ( 254 ) ( 318 ) ( 381 ) ( 445 ) ( 508 ) ( 635 )
Temperature Range A
Temperature Range B
Temperature Range C
Permissible installation conditions
Characteristic bond strength psi 1045 1135 1170 1260 1290 1325 1380 in cracked concrete т k , cr ( Mpa ) ( 7.2 ) ( 7.8 ) ( 8.1 ) ( 8.7 ) ( 8.9 ) ( 9.1 ) ( 9.5 )
Characteristic bond strength psi 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 in uncracked concrete т k , uncr ( Mpa ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 )
Characteristic bond strength psi 1045 1135 1170 1260 1290 1325 1380 in cracked concrete т k , cr ( Mpa ) ( 7.20 ) ( 7.80 ) ( 8.00 ) ( 8.67 ) ( 9.00 ) ( 9.00 ) ( 9.50 )
Characteristic bond strength psi 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 in uncracked concrete т k , uncr ( Mpa ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 ) ( 15.3 )
Characteristic bond strength psi 855 930 960 1035 1055 1085 1130 in cracked concrete т k , cr ( Mpa ) ( 5.9 ) ( 6.4 ) ( 6.6 ) ( 7.1 ) ( 7.3 ) ( 7.5 ) ( 7.8 )
Characteristic bond strength psi 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 1820 in uncracked concrete т k , uncr ( Mpa ) ( 12.6 ) ( 12.6 ) ( 12.6 ) ( 12.6 ) ( 12.6 ) ( 12.6 ) ( 12.6 )
Dry and water saturated concrete
Anchor Category
- ϕ d , ϕ ws
- 0.65
Reduction for Seismic Tension α N , seis
- 0.88 0.99 0.99 1.0 1.0 0.95 0.99
The parameter d a is defined in ACI 318-19 Chapter 2 as the “ outside diameter ” of an anchor or the “ shaft diameter ” of a headed stud , headed bolt or hooked bolt . Therefore , da corresponds to the external diameter of an anchor element .
When calculating the sustained load strength defined by Equation ( ), da is used to calculate the parameter “ N ba
” that is defined in Equation ( ), Other parameters given in Eq . such as effective embedment depth ( hef ), characteristic bond stress ( т k
), as well as the seismic reduction factor α N , seis are also dependent on the diameter of the anchor element being used .
The PROFIS Engineering adhesive anchor portfolio permits bond strength calculations with the following anchor elements :
• threaded rods .
• reinforcing bars .
• internally threaded inserts .
• specialty anchor elements .
Information about these anchor element types is given in the ICC-ES evaluation report ( ESR ) for an adhesive anchor system . PROFIS Engineering uses the anchor diameter parameter referenced in the ESR bond strength tables for an adhesive anchor system to calculate N ba for a specific anchor element . When design with a threaded rod or reinforcing bar is selected , PROFIS Engineering uses the nominal diameter of the anchor element to calculate N ba
. When design with Hilti HIS-N and HIS-RN internally threaded inserts is selected , PROFIS Engineering uses the outside diameter of the insert to calculate N ba
. Below are illustrations showing how the parameter d a for calculating N ba can be defined for various anchor elements .
The parameter “ d hole
” noted in the illustrations corresponds to the diameter of the drilled hole into which the adhesive product and anchor element are inserted .
Reference the Variables section of the PROFIS Engineering report for more information on :
h ef
: effective embedment depth
т k , c
: characteristic bond stress
Reference the Calculations section of the PROFIS Engineering report for more information on :
N ba
: basic bond strength for a single adhesive anchor