1.5 Steel Failure Mode
Results ϕN sa
Results ACI 318-19 Chapter 17 Provision Comments for PROFIS Engineering
ϕN sa
17.5 . 2 For each applicable factored load combination , design strength of anchors shall satisfy the criteria in Table 17.5.2 .
Table 17.5.2 |
Failure Mode |
Single Anchor |
Individual Anchor in a Group |
Steel Strength in Tension |
ϕN sa
≥ N ua
ϕN sa
≥ N ua , i
ACI 318-19 strength design provisions for anchors in tension check a calculated design strength ( ϕN N
) against a factored tension load ( N ua
). The parameter “ design strength ” is defined as the product of a “ nominal strength ” ( N N
) and one or more strength reduction factors ( ϕ-factors ). If ϕN N ≥ N ua for all relevant tension failure modes , the ACI 318-19 tension provisions are satisfied . When designing with ACI 318-19 anchoring-to-concrete provisions , nominal steel strength in tension ( N sa
) is always calculated for a single anchor , and multiplied by the ϕ-factor for steel failure .
For applications consisting of only one anchor in tension , the design strength ( ϕN sa
) is checked against the tension load acting on that anchor ( N ua ). If ϕN sa
≥ N ua
, the ACI 318-19 provisions for steel failure in tension are satisfied . If an application consists of a group of anchors in tension , N sa is calculated for a single anchor , and the design strength ( ϕN sa ) is checked against the highest individual loaded anchor in tension ( N ua , i ). If ϕN sa
≥ N ua , i
, the ACI 318-19 provisions for steel failure in tension are satisfied . The PROFIS Engineering report section for steel failure in tension uses the generic designation “ N ua
” to reference either the only tension load acting on an anchor in tension , or the highest tension load acting on an individual anchor within an anchor group in tension .
PROFIS Engineering designates the strength reduction factor for steel failure
ϕ steel
. ACI 318-08 anchoring-to-concrete provisions include an additional seismic reduction factor that is used to calculate anchor design strengths corresponding to brittle failure modes . Anchor elements can be defined in ACI 318 as “ ductile ” or “ brittle ” steel elements . Steel failure for a brittle steel anchor element is a “ brittle ”, i . e . “ nonductile ” failure mode ; therefore , design steel strengths calculated for a brittle steel anchor element using ACI 318-08 seismic provisions would include an additional strength reduction factor . PROFIS Engineering designates this seismic reduction factor “ ϕ nonductile
”, and shows it in the results section of the report .
Since ϕ nonductile is only relevant to seismic calculations with ACI 318-08 provisions , PROFIS Engineering always shows the parameter “ ϕ nonductile
” equal to 1.0 in the
Results section of reports for ACI 318-19 provisions .
When modeling an anchor element in PROFIS Engineering using ACI 318-19 provisions , the calculated design steel strength in tension for both static and seismic load conditions equals ϕ steel
N sa
. No additional strength reduction factors are applied to the nominal steel strength .
Reference the Equations section of the PROFIS Engineering report for more information on :
ϕN sa
: design steel strength in tension .
Reference the Results section of the PROFIS Engineering report for more information on the following parameters :
ϕ steel
: strength reduction factor for steel failure
ϕ nonductile
: seismic strength reduction factor
ϕN sa
: nominal steel strength in tension
N ua
: factored load acting on anchors in tension
A summary of calculated tension design strength versus the factored tension load for each tension failure mode relevant to the application is given in Part 3 Tension Load of the PROFIS Engineering report .