TOP MARITIME WOMEN IN NIGERIA Dabney Shall-Holma D abney Shall-Holma is a distinguished maritime womanwith deep knowledge of the industry and the dynamics of i n t e r n a t i o n a l t r a d e . H e r k n ow l e d g e , professionalism and finesse are widely acknowledged. Mrs. Dabney Shall-Holmaserved the Nigeria Shippers Council (NSC) for over three decades, and she was so meritorious in her service that she was appointed member into many presidential and ministerial committees. She retired from the Council as Director, She was employed in Shippers Council in 1989. Throughout her stay at the Council, she handled trade negotiation, trade statistics, directional split of transportation traffic, cargo tracking, ensuring fair trade practices in import and export and creating standards and ensuring compliance. She holds a degree in Political Science from the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and a Master of Science ( degree in International Transport Studiesfrom the University of Cardiff/PrifysgolCaerdydd. D a b n ey S h a l l - H o l m a h a s retired from the Niger ian Shippers Council but not from the maritime industry as she is currently the chairperson of the Sealink Implementation Committee, a project that is aimed at bridging the waterways infrastructure gap and enhancing the nation's trade in the ECOWAS sub- re g i o n wh i c h i s b e i n g promoted by the Nigerian Export-Import Bank (NEXIM) in partnership with the National Inland Waterways Authority and Sealink Promotional Company Ltd. Apart from always leading NSC's first eleven in matters of representation on international trade, Dabney is be remembered in the industry for her contributions and achievements including, the International Cargo Tracking Note (ICTN) in Africa, benchmark freight rates, representing Nigeria in international meetings on issues of transit trade, attending World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings on trade facilitation, etc. Commercial Shipping. She is an expert in trade facilitation and negotiation, capacity building in transport and logistics and in cargo tracking and risk management mechanisms. She is a God-fearing woman, known for h a rd wo r k , i n t e l l i g e n c e a n d f l a i r f o r networking. She is calm, humble, beautiful and unassuming. To all her colleagues in the Nigerian Shippers Council, both big and small, young and old, she was simply a 'mother'. Apart from always leading NSC's first eleven in matters of representation on international trade, Dabney is be remembered in the industry for her contributions and achievements including, the International Cargo Tracking Note (ICTN) in Africa, benchmark freight rates, representing Nigeria in international meetings on issues of transit trade, attending World Trade Organization (WTO) meetings on trade facilitation, etc. Ships & Ports | 49