Professional Sound - October 21 | Page 54


Nugen Focus Elements Plug-in Bundle
Nugen Audio has released the Focus Elements plug-in bundle , which offers a collection of audio tools ideally suited for small / home studios . These budget-friendly , streamlined versions of the brand ’ s Focus bundle plug-ins include Stereoizer , Stereoplacer , and Monofilter .
With the Elements plug-ins , beginner , independent , and at-home producers and mixers have access to the same algorithms used in all Nugen ’ s pro-level software but with a streamlined , straightforward interface .
Stereoizer Elements provides instant stereo enhancement with the assurance of mono compatibility and no unwanted artifacts . Like the traditional Stereoizer software , the Elements plug-in affords users a more coherent sound , with polish and spatial balance , to ensure a mix will sound good in both stereo and mono .
Ideal for restoration projects , Stereoplacer Elements allows users to fix poor recordings , reposition complex audio , and reconstruct the stereo image from a mono source . A bass management solution , Monofilter Elements enables users to sharpen , define , and align the bass into a tight , transparent mix . With features for accurate control , Monofilter Elements helps define the centre of the bass using visual feedback and a user-friendly , tactile interface .
For more information , contact Music Marketing : 416-789-7100 , cindy @ musicmarketing . ca , www . musicmarketing . ca .
Heritage Audio Motorcity EQualizer
Heritage Audio has released the Motorcity EQualizer , which it says is the first publicly-available reproduction of the EQs used on countless classic Motown songs . The new unit is fashioned from vintage equalizers currently owned by eight-time Grammy Award-winning producer and mix engineer Michael Brauer .
The original EQ was designed by Motown ’ s Chief Technical Engineer Mike McLean and was his take on the smart graphic EQ designed for the film industry and made by Cinema Engineering , Langevin , and Altec . The Motorcity EQualizer is an all-analog , passive EQ design with seven accessible frequency points across the tonal spectrum , each with a stepped rotary switch capable of a flat response or up / down up to 8dB in 1dB increments . Those frequency points graduate from 50 , 130 , 320 , and 800 Hz , before jumping to 2,000 and 5,000 Hz , peaking at 12,500 Hz .
The new Motorcity EQualizer ’ s 10-gauge aluminium faceplate features custom-moulded Bakelite knobs as part of its historically-accurate control layout . Fully faithful to the original design , the unique passive equalization circuit uses 21 inductors and 21 tone capacitors — exclusively made for Heritage Audio to match the originals ’ values to 1 % tolerances . The new unit also reproduces the exceptionally-tight mil-spec 1960s-vintage tone capacitors and inductors that are central to the sound of the classic EQ .
For more information , contact Erikson Audio : 514-457-2555 , info @ eriksonaudio . com , www . eriksonaudio . com .
Zplane FENNEK Audio Metering Software
Zplane has released FENNEK , a peak and loudness metering solution that helps producers and audio engineers keep track of the audio levels in their mixes .
FENNEK features a modern , scalable , and flexible interface that users can customize . The software comes with a large selection of standards and requirements for the leading broadcasters and streaming services . Users pick their destination and FENNEK will check that the peaks and loudness will match the intended use for the project . A comprehensive history view tracks levels and loudness over time , giv ing users a quick overview of their projects and an easy way to track down problems . FENNEK is available as a VST , VST3 , AU , or AAX plug-in , as well as a standalone program . For more information , go to products . zplane . de .