Professional Sound - August 2018 | Page 6

editor-in-chief ANDREW KING [email protected] senior editor MICHAEL RAINE [email protected] contributing writers SHANINE COOK, ADAM GALLANT, JON MATTHEWS, KEVIN YOUNG production manager KAREN BASHURA [email protected] publisher JIM NORRIS [email protected] consumer services director MAUREEN JACK [email protected] business manager LIZ BLACK [email protected] technology support coordinator MYRIAH BASTA-LLOYD [email protected] marketing services coordinator MELISSA LOSIER [email protected] advertisers’ index For more information on products advertised in Professional Sound, please see page 53 or visit Send all press releases and news to: [email protected] Professional Sound is published bi-monthly by NWC. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reprinted without written permission from the publisher. Subscription rates: Canada - 1 year $20.33, 2 years $37.67, 3 years $56.00. Outside Canada - 1 year $26.95, 2 years $42.95, 3 years $60.95. Single copies: $5.00. Canadian residents add 5% GST, HST (13%), BC (12%), NS (15%) to be added where applicable. To change your subscription address, please send your new address with your old address to Subscription Dep’t., Professional Sound, at least six weeks before moving. Unsolicited manuscripts, photos and artwork are welcome but Professional Sound takes no responsibility for the return of such items. Printed in Canada. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO.0040069300, RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO CIRCULATION DEPT., 4056 DORCHESTER RD., #202, NIAGARA FALLS, ON L2E 6M9, 905-374-8878, [email protected]. HEAD OFFICE 4056 Dorchester Rd., #202, Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6M9 905-374-8878, FAX 888-665-1307, [email protected], US MAILING ADDRESS 4600 Witmer Industrial Estates, #6, Niagara Falls, NY 14305 6 PROFESSIONAL SOUND