Professional Sound - August 2018 | Page 29

CARAZ one – musicians, composers, sound designers, mixers – is coming together in an envi- ronment of collaboration.” The low turnover and employee dedication have been critical in maintaining continuity from one era to another, offers Mathieu Morin, the studio’s chief mixer. He’s STUDIO C CONTROL ROOM been with Lamajeure for 20 years and can draw from his Nowadays, both experience with vastly differ- Boivin and Lefebvre ent technologies and workflows over that “We’ve developed say Lamajeure is time to ensure the quality of what he and his an expertise, but more focused on its team are outputting either meets or exceeds talent and internal more than that, their longstanding standards. systems than the Mixer Jacob Gauthier Robitaille, who has we’ve developed gear they’re using; been at the studio for seven years, says the a team with a as such, they’re staff recognizes how critical the ongoing in- system, and it’s currently expand- vestment in the facility and its infrastructure ing their music has been to their success. “Our equipment hard to compete department. selection and the design of the space just with us with that The week that elevates the quality of everything we do,” system.” the two spoke with he says, “and that’s something we can’t lose Professional Sound sight of.” -Etienne Boivin was the same week Mixer and music producer P.O. Rioux, the they welcomed newest addition to the team, came to Lam- another mix en- ajeure from another local studio, and adds gineer and music to Gauthier Robitaille’s point. “This studio producer, and they're now recruiting more was built properly over 30 years ago, which full-time c omposers. means that even new studios with all the top “We’re creating an ecosystem where new gear won’t have this infrastructure. It people will have fun and be inspired working wouldn’t be realistic to build a studio [of this together under our roof, each with their own calibre] today.” individual spaces but having access to our He also relishes in the opportunity to live room for tracking or any other resources work on full-size consoles and sought-after they might need,” says Navert, the 34-year-old music recording gear instead of everything composer and music department head who’s being in-the-box, which is far more typical of now been with the studio for over a decade. studios specializing in advertising and corpo- Moving forward, as the business con- rate projects in the current landscape. tinues to expand and Lefebvre gets closer But like his new colleagues, he realizes to retirement, it’ll be Lamajeure’s younger it’s about a lot more than just the facility staffers that will be charged with maintaining and the tools occupying it. “There’s plenty of and enhancing that ecosystem. Fortunately, knowledge here and I feel really lucky to have nobody seems phased by this inevitability; in joined the team.” fact, they all seem to welcome it. Ultimately, it seems Lefebvre’s ethos “We have plenty of depth here,” says of maintaining the best possible facilities to Navert, and that depth will be invaluable as produce the best possible product – with Lamajeure maintains and develops its opera- no shortcuts – has been instilled in the next tions beyond ad-based projects. generation. “The majority of the business is adver- “The people are tight, the walls are tight, tising, but we still get to make albums and the machines are tight, and so the product is record scores, and we want to keep all of that going to be tight,” says Morin. “I know every- alive,” he says, noting that experience and thing that’s been done in this studio has been expertise in one segment of their operations done properly, no matter how expensive. almost always come in handy in another. [Sylvain] is constantly reinvesting in the busi- “It keeps us very flexible and responsive,” he ness, and that’s been a major advantage to adds. “We want to create a place where every- us. Nothing is ever left at ‘good enough.’ That’s not how we approach the facility and that’s not how we work. Agencies are happy to pay for this kind of service when they know it’s going to be of the expected quality ev- ery time.” Studios of all kinds are continually being pressed from both ends by smaller budgets and tighter timelines, and while Morin says Lamajeure has not been totally immune to those trends, the corporate and advertising sectors haven’t been hit as hard as others. Subsequently, the studio has been able to not just adapt thanks to its well-established and continually refined internal systems; they’ve actually continued to grow, now boasting five full recording studios on top of multiple editing and scoring suites. “Yes, budgets are shrinking, but the number of clips and spots being produced is increasing,” explains Navert, pointing to the digital domain as a big driver of that. “So ad- vertisers are doing more spots in a year and have to produce more content.” That’s led them into new media like the aforementioned immersive experiences and augmented and digital reality. “We love those kinds of projects,” Navert enthuses. “It’s a whole new playground for us, because it’s really changed the way you’re mixing and some of the technology you’re using.” Morin adds that as Montreal’s reputa- tion as a creative and cultural hub continues to spread around the globe, Lamajeure is anticipating more international projects and collaborations in the near future. “We have more and more customers in the States and around the world – Dubai, Hong Kong, Sin- gapore – and it’s really interesting because we find ourselves working more with other companies here in Montreal on these major international projects.” It’s been quite the adventure for Lefeb- vre and his team thus far, building Lamajeure into one of the most reputable recording and production facilities in Montreal, then the country. Now, they’re maintaining that legacy with a new generation of engineers and composers while pushing into new mar- kets around the world, making it anyone’s guess what the next few decades might have in store. Andrew King is the Editor-in-Chief of Professional Sound. PROFESSIONAL SOUND • 29