Professional Marijuana Grower September-October 2018 Issue | Page 8
Double-Ended (DE) Technology
Let’s get
The biggest advantage of DE technology is its height-
ened effi ciency. This heightened effi ciency is extremely
valuable to an indoor cannabis horticulturist. DE tech-
nology offers a way for marijuana growers to increase
the productivity of their indoor gardens without using
more electricity. It may sound too good to be true,
but even professional growers are consistently being
impressed with the results they are obtaining with DE
technology lighting systems.
In addition to electrical effi ciency, another huge ad-
vantage of DE technology is increased bulb longevity.
The lamp longevity of DE technology is attributed to the
technology’s higher operating frequency. The electrici-
ty’s ability to fl ow through the bulb, instead of into the
bulb at one end, is what allows DE bulbs to operate
at a higher frequency. The higher frequency combined
with the fact that the lamp is fi red from both ends
(which is more effective at converting the gases within
the bulb into useable light) equates to a slower break
down of PAR.
Lamp longevity is a big consideration for cannabis
growers, especially those with large grow operations
where replacing bulbs is a signifi cant expense. DE
lamp manufacturers claim 90%+ lumen output at
10,000 hours. A manufacturer of a typical single-ended
HPS lamp claims 80-90% lumen output at 4,000 hours.
For a cannabis grower, this means less bulb changes
per year and a higher return on investment. Generally
speaking, marijuana growers should be able to use DE
lamps for about twice as long as a standard HID lamp.
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8 • Professional Marijuana Grower
As mentioned previously, DE lamps are fi red from both
ends. A lamp burned at both ends will automatically
burn the gases within the bulb more evenly which
results in an increased output and better overall spectral
output. Basically, the gases within a double-ended bulb
are not going to waste, but, instead, are being more ef-
fi ciently burned. All in all, this equates to a higher PAR
value being emitted from a DE lamp than a single-sid-
ed HID lamp. For cannabis growers, this means more
electricity is being converted into usable light energy for
their plants. Double-ended lamps are secured at both
ends so there is never any chance that the lamp will sag
September/October 2018