Professional Lighting & Production - Fall2022 | Page 38

Clay Paky Mini Xtylos HPE
Neutrik Halo Product Range
Neutrik has announced its new Halo product range . Neutrik Halo products integrate a new , patented light ring along with an asymmetrical , nonmetallic push tab into the design of the company ’ s A series chassis connectors .
Halo product variants include the NC3FAH2-LR-DAE and NC5FAH-LR- DAE female XLR connectors , the NC3MAH-LR and NC5MAH-LR male XLR connectors , and the NE8FAH-LR-DAE etherCON connector . By placing one or two SMD LEDs on circuit boards , the connectors can be lit up for visual feedback such as input detection , transmission status , connection status , phantom power , operating mode indication , and other information .
With a standard cutout , no additional holes for light pipes are required in the device panel . These connecters provide improved visibility compared to light pipes , and different colours can be displayed on the left and right sides of the connector .
For more information , contact SFM : 800-363-8855 , 514-780-2070 , info @ sfm . ca , www . sfm . ca .
Clay Paky has introduced the Mini Xtylos HPE ( CJ3002 ), a small-formfactor fixture with the manufacturer ’ s RGB laser source , lasting 20,000 hours , that produces saturated , deep colours without any visible hotspots with its exclusive Turbo Color system . The fixture offers linear virtual CTO , one effect wheel with two rotating and interchangeable prisms and one interchangeable frost filter , a 24-bit digital dimmer , a fast digital stop / strobe , and has an aperture range of one to four degrees to produce their incredible beam effects .
In addition to the typical features of the Xtylos family , the Mini Xtylos HPE delivers some new features : The unit offers endless pan rotation in both directions , that can be controlled at various speeds . The Mini Xtylos HPE is very compact , operates on 100 to 240VAC and only consumes 80VA of power at 230VAC . The unit weighs 20 lb . and for the beam applications , the Mini Xtylos HPE is a good option thanks to its high intensity , which cannot be achieved by any other LED-based beam fixtures . With only 20W laser engine power consumption , the Mini Xtylos HPE delivers 2.5Mcd with one-degree beam aperture . The Xtylos laser light source is currently the only technology that allows us to make such a small and compact beam fixture .
For more information , contact SC Media Canada : 888-595-3966 , information @ scmediacanada . com , www . scmediacanada . com .
38 | Fall 2022