Establishing improved pastures
When drill sowing, some phosphorus should be placed in the row
with the seed.
Where the fertiliser was applied with the seed, the pasture
produced 4,660 kg DM/ha at first cut.
A failure in early phosphorus nutrition can significantly impact on
the pasture’s ability to thrive.
Where it was broadcast, it produced 2,607 kg DM/ha at first cut.
An Incitec Pivot Fertilisers trial at the Southern Farming Systems
trial site near Dunkeld in Victoria in 2009 showed a significant
response to 340 kg/ha of SuPerfect drilled with the seed,
compared with the same fertiliser broadcast in a direct drill
The soil phosphorus level at the site was 22 mg/kg (Colwell P).
It is worth noting that phosphorus placement becomes more
important when soil phosphorus levels are less than optimal, as
they were in this trial.
A fertiliser with phosphorus, sulphate sulphur and a lesser
amount of nitrogen is ideal for sowing.
Alternatively, nitrogen can be applied four to six weeks following
seedling emergence.
Tips for pasture establishment
Start building soil fertility and controlling competitive weeds 12 to 18 months before sowing.
Direct drill, sowing into ploughed ground and oversowing are reliable and effective sowing techniques. However, less
plant available sulphur is released during sowing by direct drill and oversowing, making a fertiliser with sulphate sulphur
particularly valuable when using these methods.
Band the fertiliser to the side of or below the seed row where it is easily accessible to the new roots.
Sow pastures in autumn or early spring so that the new plants receive adequate warmth and moisture for quick
germination and survival.
Based on 18 cm row spacings, never apply more than 15 kg/ha of nitrogen in close contact with the seed.
Control weeds and pests before and after sowing.
Only begin grazing the pasture when plants have begun to tiller out and are at least 10 cm high (use the pull test).
Keep grazing light at first to promote tillering.